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A note from the author:

- Thank you all so much for reading I appreciate it, COMMENT, VOTE, FAN, and SHARE my story with your friends and fans :) thanks and let me know how I did :)

Dedicated to my sister Kalyn :) <3


Chapter 1: Minefield

"Stop it" "Please, stop you're hurting me." She screamed to a hooded figure, which towered above her. Frightened she scanned her eyes around the room, searching for a clue, a hint, anything to help her. She laid eyes upon a golden vase and recognized it, she'd been here before, but when, how? That didn't matter, what did though was getting out of here, alive. She tried to scream but something silently gripped her throat and muffled her scream to a mere whisper. She fought the urge to fall asleep, she thought 'oh no you don't, you shall not win', but even with that thought soon that feeling she'd been fighting had conquered her; that lagging, sleepy feeling and she began to drift off.

That scene revealed itself, night after night as Victoria lay down asleep. She suddenly snapped open her eyes, to find out that it had only been a dream, the same dream she has had for the past 14 years. It never changed that much either, it always led up to something new, the dream would usually give her a tiny hint, but nothing significant enough to matter, just the same stupid dream. Frustrated she flung herself out of her bed. She got up and immediately flung her hair into a messy bun. She never was one for dressing up, let alone doing her hair. She chuckled to herself as she remembered the days of high school as her friends frequently tried to give her make-overs. They whined as if they were lost puppy dogs out in the cold, begging her to allow them to do her hair and makeup. She always refused, she scoffed at the idea of dressing to impress, there really wasn't any point she thought to herself.

She slowly pulled out of trance, and let the silly high school days leave her mind. She had stumbled over to her closet, crossing her room was like walking through an active minefield, her room was littered with the remains of her closet. She always thought that her closet looked barren, but as she would turn around she realized why. She gazed her closet looking for something appropriate to wear to town, over the years her style had improved slightly. She had gone from wearing sweat-pants, to pencil skirts that hugged her figure quiet well, as she had been told. Her eyes continued to search for something to wear, she silently swore to herself for not going to the mall when her best friend - (of 4 years) - Brooke had asked her to. She decided that her best chance of finding something was to start at the source of the problem, the minefield!

Victoria not excited to begin the man-hunt through the minefield she referred to as her room. She slowly began to formulate excuses to delay the process. She began by examining herself in the mirror and discovered that her hair, desperately needed to be combed. She grumbled to herself as she knew that could very well be a challenge all in itself. As a child people, especially the women, always fussed over how perfect her hair was and how beautifully formed her ringlets were. Many griped about wishing that they were the ones that had the beautiful locks that Victoria had. She always smiled but inwardly rolled her eyes and thought 'If they only knew how much trouble these terrible things are!' She made her way to the bathroom down the hall. Crossing her room thinking to herself how happy she was that she had made it through the room without tripping. Her happiness was short lived though, because as soon as she had let that thought slip into her mind, she was immediately on her back scowling up at the ceiling and grumbling to herself.

As she turned over to see what she had tripped over she heard a loud echoing noise, that sounded as if a whole herd of elephants where traveling upstairs towards her room. Her scowl quickly turned into a look of confusion as she waited to see exactly what was coming up to her room. Suddenly, a blond headed, muscular version of herself popped his head into her room and began laughing hysterically at the war zone laid out before him. "Hey sis, did the closet upchuck your clothes or did world war three take place when I was sleeping?" her older brother asked while trying to keep a smirk off his face. Without hesitation Victoria cracked a grin, and leaned back on her elbows trying to fool her brother into a false sense of amusement, she opened her mouth a said "Ha-ha good one Russ," while doing so she grabbed onto the closet thing near her and chucked it. Unfortunately, for Russ he hadn't seen it coming and the object that Vick had chucked at him nailed him right in the gut! He doubled over and turned a bright shade of pink, because his sister had an amazing arm and knocked the wind out of him!

Desperately trying to gasp for air, he turned his gaze over to the object that his sister had thrown his way, 'curse her' he thought to himself as he recognized the object to be one of her stiletto heels, probably the same object that made her trip. Victoria had to try to stifle her laugh as she had just watched her brother fall to the ground and try to regain his breathe.

"That's what you get for laughing at me" scolded Victoria as she got to her feet and began to move towards the door.

"Now if you will excuse me I'm going to try--- ahh!!!!--- STOP IT NOW--- please Ru-ssss -- Mercy I give in --- I give in!!" Victoria shouted as she tried to get free from her brothers tickling fingers.

"Now, what was it you were saying?" Russ said grinning from ear to ear knowing that he had just won that fight. Vick got up quickly looked at her brother with a death stare and said

"I was saying that I'm going to go get ready, and shower, something that you should seriously consider doing once in a while" she said this last part while pinching her nose to give the effect that he stunk. She stuck her tongue out at him as if they were 5 and 6, instead of 21. Oh have I forgot to mention that he's my twin, well he is even though you can't tell because I'm a solid 5'9 and he's at least 6'3!

Grinning to herself she walked to the bathroom only two doors down and slammed the door shut. Giving the effect that she was mad, just as she turned around she ran into a solid feeling brick wall.

"Well hey there Vick, I knew you had a crush on me but I didn't think you'd go to extremes such as this." Chris said all while trying very hard to keep a straight face. "Shove it, Chris you know just as well as I do that I'm not the one with the crush and that I also didn't know you were in here, I just want to take a shower" Victoria said while grumbling to herself that she didn't check the bathroom first.

"Well, I just got out but I can definitely get back in, if you want" Chris said while taunting her with his signature wink.Victoria just rolled her eyes and said "Chris, I mean Alpha Chris, I know that this is irresistible" she said while gesturing to her body and continued by saying "but that is very resistible" she said while jabbing a finger at him. "So if you would be so kind as to leave I'd appreciate it" Vick said while attempting to slip around an open mouthed Chris.

Chris POV:

Chris didn't know what to think he wasn't used to being the one turned down, it actually was almost always the other way around. He was determined to win this round too. So as Vick went to slip around him he took advantage of that moment and spun her around and pinned her to the wall, so that she was facing him. He pulled a loose strand of hair that had floated down into her face and tucked it behind her ear. Then looked into her dazzling blue eyes, leaned in closer to her ear and whispered "Baby, don't be like that. I'm sorry for being like that earlier, why don't you head up stairs after your shower and I'll make it up to you", then he added his signature smirk and wink combo to the mix, thinking that that would make her melt right then and there, as it did with most women. Oh, but he was oh-so wrong, he definitely underestimated Victoria. This woman was strong physically and mentally, and very set in her ways. So, as soon as those words left his mouth he pulled away to leave, but in a second's time found the position switched.

Victoria's POV:

'What is his problem!', 'He's such a perv.', and 'I'm going to get him so good now.' Those were the only thoughts running through her head as she flipped the position.

Using her werewolf hearing she locked on to the sound that she had been looking for. The pack.... She slowly replaced the frown that she had previously been sporting with a smug, menacing, yet still sickly sweet smile, as she quickly formed a plan. She knew just what she was going to do!

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