Kiss of Death

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Authors Note: Oh my gosh, y'all I'm so sorry that is has been almost 2 months, I'm so sorry it's just been so chaotic here at my place but no excuse. Here is chapter 3 enjoy please :)

Chapter 3:

Chris's POV-

As I walked out of my closet I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I must be seeing things, I have to be, this is just impossible. She died, I saw it with my own eyes. I watched as that bloodsucker drained her of all of her blood. It can't be, I must have fallen hard when Vick pushed me, yea, that's it. I hit my head, that explains it, and now I'm just hallucinating, that's all to it. I had almost convinced myself, until she spoke, her voice, it was different, and though her face was covered by a veil. I could tell it was her. At first, I wasn't sure, but it's just these little things have me convinced, like the unwavering confidence in her voice, or the tilt of her head when she wasn't sure of something, but mostly the way she was sitting, it was the same way she used to. She sat there poised on my bed, arms crossed, head back, and a slight smirk, like she used to, that is before.... before that night.


"Katerina, I don't care how you word it, each time you say it differently, the more angry I get about it" I spoke in a calming but by no where near gentle voice.

"Chris, I'm not a baby, when are you going to get that, jeez. Besides what's the worst that can happen, I'm the strongest female in this pack and goddammit, you know it, too." She all but yelled at me

"Katerina I don't give a crap about how strong you are, all it takes is two, only two" I said raising two fingers, to further emphasize the number, and then continued. "to overpower you.....especially two of them" I said this last part in a near whisper, but knew she still heard me.

"Chris is that what your so worried about, that they are going to get me?" She asked and then quietly uttered, "like they did mom and dad?"

I didn't answer I was to upset, mom and dad had only died 2 months ago, I was the one who found them in an alley three blocks away, with two perfect crescent shaped marks on their necks, and a silver bullet in each of their hearts, I suppose for insurance.

"Chris..... I'll be fine, I swear." She paused then added. "I love you but I'm not arguing with you any longer about this, I'm going, and that's final" This time when she spoke, it was with more authority and confidence.

Not having enough energy to argue I let her go to the stupid party, I usually would'nt care but it was a werewolf and vampire party. Not just any bloodsuckers either, the Victorian clan, notoriously known for mass slaughtering and unfortunately also known for throwing the wildest parties, they were usually civilized I'll admit but everyone once in a while it ended badly and not usually for the vamps. Letting her go was the worst mistake I had ever made....

**4 HOURS LATER (still flashback)**

It was around 2 o'clock in the morning and Katerina was already 30 minutes late, which was normal for her and I figured tonight would be no different, but once the 30 minutes slowly ticked to an hour and then an hour and thirty, I knew something I could feel it too. That's when I got the call, it was from her, I immediately picked it up.


"Katerina Marie Dezmond, where in the bloody hell are you, you know I've been worried sick that one of those damn bloodsuckers got to you" I rambled out and then inhaled sharply waiting for her reply. Instead I got a malicious laugh that ripped through the phone and pierced my ears.

"Well aren't you a smart one, but then again if you were smart then you wouldn't have let precious little Katrina out of the house, let alone your sight" As he said that I heard Katerina scream a blood curdling scream, that echoed through every room in the house I'm sure.

I instantly tensed at that and growled back "You sick bastard leave my sister alone, I swear I will find you and your whole clan and rip each and everyone of you apart and burn you to ash."

That seemed to have sparked something in him because he seemed to have gotten even more angry because this time the snarled back at me "Listen to me if you want to ever see your sister again come to 167 West Princess Anne there's an abandoned warehouse, meet me in there. In 45 minutes or your sister is vampire dinner, go it? GOOD"

Then the line went dead, and I ran, got in my car and drove to 167 West Princess Anne to the warehouse, when I got there the first thing I heard was my sister screaming, I got my mini-blowtorch and lighter fluid ready, I ran around the back of the building and snapped the first bloodsucker's neck that I saw then torched him, I did that to three more vamps until i was spotted. But, the second I was seen they sent in the reinforcements, and I was restrained by ropes that were soiled with wolfbane, a flower which in the right dose can be fatal to a werewolf. But in the small dosage its enough to sedate, restrain, torture or hurt at the least a werewolf. At this point my skin was sizzling from it, it burned with a heated passion, but I wouldn't let them know that.

As they bound me to the chair I knew that it was the end for both me and my sister, but it wasn't no it was just the end of me and my sisters relationship. Because that night they killed my sister right in front of me, I'm not sure what they had against me but they drained all of her blood from her body, I watched as her body had some sort of seizure, and I will never forget the way her eyes clouded over until' the point that her eyes were like a mirror. I then for the first time since my parents death cried, but before my first sob could come i was knocked out by a swift hit to the head, and when I came to I was on the Pack house's front lawn with a note taped to me that read; 'Don't take it seriously, but it had to be done' ....


"Did you miss me, big brother?" Katerina asked so calm and relaxed it kind of scared me

"K-kate-trina? Is that really you?" I stuttered

"Well, who do you think it is silly? A vampire?" She questioned with her notorious smirk steadily growing.

"I honestly don't know anymore, I thought you died" I chocked out the last part right before i stumbled over to the bed she sat on and sat down next to her.

"Well, you better believe that its me, before I give you one of those wedgies I used to give you as a kid" she managed to get out before going into a laughing fit.

"Okay now I know that it is you Katerina. But how? I sa-saw you d-d-die. Are you a g-g-g-ghost?" I stuttered as I began to think as to what could have happened to change her death.

"Chris...... I don't know any other way to say this but, I'm no longer half human, half wolf. I'm now Half werewolf, half Vampire." she said meekly.

And with that statment I fainted.


Author Note:

I want to apoligize for any mis spellings, or "puncuation gone wrong", also if it say "Katrina" anywhere in stead of "Katerina" its obviously because I left out the "e". I hope you enjoy my book and please spread the word of my book I don't want it to be famous I just want people to enjoy it :)

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