4. Family Secrets

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It's the morning of the school carnival, and the cheerleading squad was at Beacon Hills High helping set up for tonight's event. Y/N couldn't get tonight off her mind as she taped a "Kissing Booth" banner on one of the booths. She didn't know what the plan was for tonight. Her brothers, Sam and Dean, were figuring out a plan right now and would explain it to her the moment she gets home later that afternoon. She had to know the plan so she can create a plan of her own, a plan that would prevent her from killing innocent creatures and saving Liam.

Liam. She didn't know exactly where they stood. They finally kissed after months of hanging out and flirting, only to find out their darkest secrets might tear them apart. She came from a family of hunters who kill Liam's kind, werewolves. But now, she wanted nothing more than to save him, protect him, keep him as close to her as she can and away from her brothers.

She couldn't call Liam or text him after last night's family meeting with her brothers. She was afraid Sam and Dean would look into her phone, and what she's done, or if she had warned him. She couldn't risk getting caught. Instead, she waited for this morning where she knew he would be there and her brothers wouldn't.

Between the rest of the girls from the cheerleading squat and the entire lacrosse team, Y/N saw Liam setting up the dunk tank with Mason across the parking lot. She needed to approach him without making it obvious. They still weren't on speaking terms yet, but incase one of her brothers were lurking from a distance to scout the place for tonight, she couldn't just walk up to him. Instead, she decided to act normal, even though nothing felt remotely normal at the moment.

"Hey, Brit," Y/N looked at her cheer mate, "the next sign is the dunk booth."

"I think that's across the parking lot," Britney walked towards the dunk booth with a roll of tape in one hand and a pair of scissors in the other. "Hey Mason! Hey Liam!" Britney cheered with a wide smile on her face as she approached the booth. "It looks like you're almost all done setting that up."

"Yeah, we just have to double check and make sure everything is secured, or Coach Finstock will kill us if this thing falls apart when we add the water," Mason said.

"I'm sure you guys will get the job done," Britney said.

Liam avoided looking in Y/N's direction, but he could smell the intoxicating lavender shampoo as the light breeze passed by her. He wanted to close the distance between them. He wanted her in his arms. He wanted to feel her soft lips again. He wanted her, but he knew she needed time to think. It's been two days, but he didn't know what the protocol was. How much time does one need to think about their situation?

Y/N saw Liam tightening a bolt with a monkey wrench. "Liam," she whispered so low, no one would hear her but him. Liam stopped tightening the bolt at the sound of her voice. He was about to look her way when she immediately whispered between her teeth, "don't look. Keep tightening the bolt." Liam does as she says. She had to think of how to say the next part without making it obvious that she was whispering to herself. "Don't come tonight. Trap. Brothers. Hunting. Killing. Carnival. Tonight," she gritted between her teeth.

Liam dropped the monkey wrench as he put her words together. The sound of the monkey wrench hitting the ground instantly made Britney and Mason stop talking.

"You okay?" Mason asked Liam.

"Act normal," Y/N whispered. "I don't know who might be watching."

"Yeah," Liam cleared his throat. "It just slipped."

Britney and Mason continued to talk about whatever the two were talking about. This was her moment to get close to Liam and try to talk to him.

"Hey, Liam. Mind helping me with the poster for your booth?" Y/N faked smiled.

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