Vengeful Spirit

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Welcome back to The Witch's Ghost, Chapter 2, set after the two-year timeskip. Let's begin.

Chapter 2: Vengeful Spirit

Viola's House

The morning sun poked through her window. The chirping birds outside told her it was time to awaken. Viola still lay there, awake but her eyes closed, savoring the wonderful sound and serenity, not wanting to pull herself up from the warm covers and fluffy bed, her golden hair a mess. She peeped open her emerald-green eyes and viewed the picture of herself and her two friends, Elizabeth and April. The image gave the 15-year-old girl the strength to sit her body up, stretch, and yawn. She threw off the covers, took off her nightgown, and put on her favorite blue dress and white apron. She brushed her messy hair to a smoothness that sparkled in the sunlight, then tied two ends in pretty braids. She looked down and wiggled the toes on her feet, which bore the strength to walk miles after such a rejuvenating rest. Just like the day before, and many days before that, it was a wonderful day for her, Viola, to be alive.

No... she wasn't Viola, though. She was Ellen, the former Witch of the Woods. But that life is behind her, the moment her friend gave her her body. She was under a different name, and a new life. Two years ago today was that established. Two years ago, she saw her 5-story house for the last time. Her former body, its final moments, fruitlessly trying to take back its owner, but Ellen's determination and willpower to escape her pain was stronger. Then Viola, in her former body was shot to death by the man who is now Ellen's father.

Ellen wasn't sorry. She enjoyed every minute of her new life. Her father, through all of his hard shell and strict authority, fearlessly marching to the woods to slay an animal for food, was very loving to his daughter, more loving than Ellen's former father or mother. Hm, imagine the look on his face though if he found out the truth. Ellen sometimes thought to herself with a chuckle. What would the man do, the deed had already been done, he had killed his daughter's soul with the Witch's body, no matter how he looks at it, Ellen was his daughter now. True, Ellen wouldn't get the same love and care as before, but who knows, he would probably kill himself out of despair. No, Ellen wouldn't put him through that, though. She loved her new father for giving her this home, the tasty food she could barely savor before. Maybe when he was old and on his deathbed, she would ultimately tell him the truth, let him die with no more secrets kept from him. Hehe.

Until then, she would enjoy life with him. When she entered the living room, she already found fried eggs, steak, and water waiting for her. 'You can only start the day strong with a strong breakfast,' he always told his daughter. She sat down and started cutting up the steak, happily enjoying the flavor on her tongue and the strength she felt course through her body after she swallowed. "Wow, Viola, you really put away the steak nowadays." Her father, Travis said as he walked in. "Even when you were in your preteens, you hated eating meat because I had to kill an animal to make it."

Ellen swallowed a piece and passed her father a warm smile. "Well, I learned I can't be picky about what I eat. Besides, after that... innocent two years ago, I thought maybe I should appreciate you more. You saved my life, Dad."

"Well, at least you're eating healthy. It's too bad your friend, Ellen got killed by the Witch, though. And you were just helping her deal with a disease. Can't believe she'd prey on a little girl like that..."

Ahhh, Viola. So kind, so loving, so trusting. And with all that, so foolish.

She gets it from her parents, I'm sure.

When Travis walked off to answer a knock at their door, Ellen proceeded to eat her eggs. But the moment she stuck her fork in one, they bubbled, boiled, and turned blood-red like sockets without eyes. A foul odor caught her nose as the room turned red, and the melted white around the reddened eggs morphed into a face seething with rage. "Give it baaaaack. GIVE IT BAAAAAACK."

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