Chapter Fourteen-Taking Back a Friend and A Leaf Sannin!

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"Lady Hokage, the elders wish to see you both at this moment. It's in regards to the Akatsuki member." I lied, appearing in the window. She groaned and the others which included her subordinate and her apprentice, and the ninja experimenting on the body. "You, keep working on him. Tell the elders I'll be there in a moment." I nodded and jumped away, landing on the roof above the building.

Once they left I jumped back into the window and stabbed each of the medical ninja, taking Kakuzu's body and one of the black things on my way out. I teleported to Itachi and Kisame, and Itachi removed the barrier just in time for the sirens to go off.

"You got lucky Anoori, but how are you planning on throwing them off?" I bowed at him and waved, "Goodbye you two. I'm off to Amegakure. Come by if you ever are on break from any missions." I teleported about a mile away and then placed Kakuzu's body into a summoning scroll.

"Why are you taking the dead body of an Akatsuki member?" I turned to the voice to see it was Kakashi. "Oh hello Mr. Hatake." "You have yet to answer my question. An ANBU member like you should know better." I removed my ice mask and turned my cloak inside out. "Is this better asshole?" He jumped back a few feet. "You're alive, how?" "A woman never reveals her secrets." "But Sakura stabbed you with Sasori's poisoned sword." I pulled out my necklace with Jashin's symbol on it. "So that's how. But why the interest in his body?" "My brother's alive too, by the way. And I regret not killing you when I had the chance. Tsk, do me a favor and go back to the Leaf." I turned and walked away, dodging when he threw a kunai.

"Like sensei, like student. Did you teach Sasuke to attack your enemies from behind while they let you run away?" He sucked in a sharp breath. "Fine. But don't expect me to let you leave next time." I smirked and ran off, hopping through the large trees, only stopping when I saw the destruction from Gaara's battle after the Chuunin exams. I looked at the fallen trees; the holes in the ground from paw prints. It was all too much. "Why did I," I kicked the tree, "fall in love," I punched the same spot, "with Gaara?" I screamed and knocked the top of the tree off with one final kick.

"You loved me?" I froze. He was here? Why? He's the Kazekage! He should be in Suna! "Why are you here Gaara?" "Answer the question." "Yes. I did, and that's why we were going out remember?" He nodded. "Sakura and Naruto told me you died. How are you here?" I pulled out my necklace. "So you're immortal then. Why did you go to the Leaf?" "You haven't answered my question." "I accidentally left some sand here and your chakra set it off." I sighed and rubbed my temple. "I went to the Leaf to get my comrade back." "Where is he?" "In a scroll." "Why is he...he's dead isn't he?" I nodded and put my necklace back. "What are you going to do with him?" "That's none of your business." "I think I have a right to know. You betrayed me."

I glared the hardest I could; "You obviously didn't pay attention that night. I was kidnapped and blackmailed to stay in the Akatsuki. Hell, I'm being blackmailed right now to be used as a weapon. Tell me again how I betrayed you? You never looked for me!" "I searched for a year, Anoori. I only stopped because the elders told me it was not wise. "And you believe everything everyone says apparently! You thought I was dead!" He stepped closer. "I didn't believe it. I even asked to see your body to make sure myself." "You're lying. I know you are." Really Anoori? Shukaku said he still loved you! "I'm not lying, come back with me."

I thought about this for a moment. "When I am finished with the tasks at hand I will come to you. We should have a code phrase for when I arrive." "Alright." "How about, 'the sand still speaks to me?' " "That sounds good. I'll see you soon. Goodbye Anoori." I waved as he disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Right, earth clone. Well I better get going."


"Anoori, keep down. We have an intruder in the village." "Yes, Konan-sama. Do you wish me to aid Pein in his battle?" "No, but keep nearby. I will tell him you are here." I nodded and kept to the shadows. "So much for resurrecting Kakuzu. Damn!" "Wait. Anoori, you can go find out what he wants." I nodded again and jumped down to the ground, putting on my cloak. I watched out for the man she described, white hair with red stripes starting from his eyes. He will either be very loud or very serious. Okay, white hair, red stripes, got it. Damn, can't I have a peaceful day?

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