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"Say what now?!" I say, looking surprised.

"I know how you can help me!" Niall says, repeating himself. "Yeah, but how? I'm literally sweating my pants off, tell me!" I say, desperately.

Niall smiles at me, "You'll be my girlfriend, for now! I don't want Barabara to be the one, I don't even speak to her! But you, I trust you. Please, please, please!" Niall begged me. Me? His girlfriend? Yeah, anytime now dream, anytime soon I'll be waking up and telling myself that I knew it.

"Any moment now." I said to myself. "Whut?" Niall asked me. I widened my eyes and shook my head. This wasn't a dream..

"I uh, I'll have to think about it. Give me a few days, at least." I said, my cheeks red. Niall nodded and gave me a big smile. "Thank you!"

"I haven't said yes." I said. "Yet."

Niall laughed, "okay, I understand. I gotta go now gal, it's almost time to go with the boys, take care! And think about what I told you! Kisses." And with that, Niall hung up.

What am I going to do? I mean, I REALLY wanna do it, but what if something happens? I don't know. He seemed desperate.


Just, maybe.

-Niall's POV-

After I hung up, I couldn't stop smiling. Amelia is going to be a big help, and we get along just fine! God, has meeting her been a pleasure. I just wish and hope she agrees to my idea.

....and Modest! too. That'll be complicated. But that's just details! I'll deal with that later. Barbara is a nightmare to be with. She's always just checking herself out. That's not my kind of gal, ya know?

I sigh when someone knocks on my door. "Is it time?" I shout. "Yes Niall." Harry answered, the one who knocked. I nodded as if he could see me. I grabbed my sweater and left.

Amelia was on my mind the rest of the day.

Mistake. -Niall Horan Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now