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"Okay so first of all I need to know where you live! Not to sound creepy or anything, I just really want to meet you in person" Niall said to me, while still in the Skype call.

"Second of all," he started saying. "After we meet, we need to tell the boys. And then Modest!. They have to agree for this to happen. I really want it so we need to convince them." 

I nodded every 5 seconds. "Okay, fair enough. I live in London, just moved here a few days ago," I said.

"Awesome! I'm here as well, let's plan this."


We ended the call after we made the plan. We were going to meet up somewhere close to my house, but not too close. He lives kind of far away from my house but I like how he takes his time to come meet me.

We're meeting tomorrow evening. 

I'm really excited. I've never met a celebrity, he's so sweet as well!

I looked at the time and it was late; 11:23 PM. Wow. Well, I guess it's time to sleep. 

I went to my room and changed to my pajamas. I hopped on my bed and got comfortable.

Tomorrow will be a good day. 


"RING, RING, RING, RING, RING, RIN-" I turned the clock off and yawned. 

Ugh, I want to sleep more. What time is it? I checked my phone and it read '6:34' 

Bleh... I should get up now... I yawned once again, and fell asleep.


Bzzzz, bzzzz, bzzzzzz, bzzz. I heard my phone buzz. I woke up and stretched. 



Oh shit, oh shit, Ahh! I need to hurry! 

I quickly got off my bed and dressed up, went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth as I peed. I need to be there by 8! 

I tied my hair up in a ponytail and grabbed my bag, keys, phone and wallet and was ready to head out.

7:51 AM, my phone read. "Shit, I'll never make it in time." I told myself as I waited for the bus.

After what seemed forever, the bus arrived. I was the first one to hop in. 

I tapped my shoe on the bus ground and waited impatiently.

I pinched my thigh, so I wouldn't fall asleep while doing so. After 30 minutes, the bus stopped in front of my university.

I ran inside, seeing nobody but other people outside smoking and drinking. Wow, is all I thought. 

I checked which class I had first; math. Okay, that's second floor, I need to be fast. 

I ran and ran until I reached the room and got inside. Everybody looked at me, I saw Alex. 

"I uh, I'm here." I said, shyly. "Please take a seat, Amelia." My teacher said and I did so, the one next to Alex. 

I cleaned the sweat off my forehead. I feel like I ran a marathon. "Hey," Alex whispered to me. "Why so late?"

"Overslept." Is all I said and paid attention to the class, in the corner of my eye I saw him nodding.


I was in my last class, and it was drama. I read the script yesterday, and memorized it in short time. "Okay guys, I hope you guys saw my email cause I sent you the scripts. Now, I hope you also memorized it as we will be using it today." The drama teacher, Mr. Smith, said.

More than half of us nodded, while others widened their eyes and gulped. 

I saw Anthony was one of the ones who nodded, so I walked to him. We said our scripts to one another.


Class ended, I got up, took my stuff and was ready to head out. "Hey Amelia!" I heard someone yell. I looked behind me and it was Anthony. "Yeh?" I asked. 

"I was wondering.... If you could um, well if you wanted to hang out today." He said, while blushing.

I was about to say, of course! But realized I couldn't. "Oh, I'm sorry Anthony today I have a very important meeting with someone. Definitely some day else, though! I'll call you, okay?" 

He nodded, quite disappointed. "Okay". He smiled so I did as well.


I got home at about 4:18, so I made myself look better to meet Niall. I wore a yellow dress, up to my knees. Brown shoes and my hair down. I also brought a sweater with me. 

I started walking to the place I would be meeting Niall. 

I entered the cafe, and saw he wasn't there yet. I ordered a latte.

My latte came and I took a sip. After 10 minutes, Niall came in, with a bunch of other girls behind him. 

He saw me, and took  seat in front of me, "Hey love. Sorry I'm late, as you can see," he said motioning towards the screaming girls, "They made me slow down my pace." 

I laughed, "It's alright dude. Don't sweat it. After all, you ARE Niall Horan." He laughed now, and nodded. "I guess so. Huh, I see you already ordered." He says and I nod.

The waitress came towards us, her hand shaking. "W-What can I get y-you?" She asked him. 

"I would like the burger with double cheese and no tomatoes please. Ooh, also, the coca cola, a strawberry milkshake and some brownies." He said, I tried to hold in my laughing. "A-Anything else?" The waitress asked. "Not from me, Amelia? Whatchu ordering?" 

"Um, I guess I'll have the same burger. No pickles either, please." I said to the waitress, who took my order with disgust. Huh?

Niall noticed and frowned. "Thank you that's all." The waitress nodded but didn't left. The heck?

"Hey um N-Niall, who's this girl?" She asked him, and Niall contained himself from rolling his eyes. "That's everything, please." The waitress looked heartbroken, and left. 

I have a feeling she will spit in my food.

"Sorry about that, I bet you'll become famous now too." He said, smirking. I smiled, "Wonderful." I said with sarcasm. He laughed, "it ain't always that great." 

We proceeded to talk, while other girls looked at us, especially me. I don't think I'll get used to this, even if it's temporary. 

The waitress came with our food. When she left, I checked my food if there was any sign of spit or anything else. It was good, so I took a bite.

I took a napkin, and saw that she had written her name and phone number. "From; Rebecca, (waitress) Call me cutie! .xoxox" I read out loud to him, he shivered in disgust. 


We learned a lot about each other. We both love to play soccer, he's an okay cook, we love junk food, and so on! I fell in love with this meeting.

"So, Amelia, shall we meet up tomorrow again? To deal with the other 'details'? Aka, the boys and Modest!" Niall said after we finished eating, I nodded. 


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