So close, yet so far away

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Beginning the path up toward the mountain it took several hours until dusk began to set.

"We should probably try and find shelter, or make camp.." Clint said out of breath.

"Lets walk a little bit farther up the mountain and see if we can't find any abandoned houses like one of the villagers had mentioned. Its shouldn't be that far." Steve said. "You doing good Natasha?"

"I'm doing fine Rogers, just because i'm a girl doesn't mean i'm weak."

"Alright well lets get a move on."

A few miles up the hill they found an abandoned shack. The group went toward the abandoned building. Steve carefully opened the door and checked out the area making sure it was safe.

"Alright, its good to go." Steve said letting everyone in.

The inside was plain and a rusted wood look to it, there wasn't any furniture. It was practically just a room.

Clint dropped the bag he had and plopped down on the ground. I'm so tired.

"You guys can get some sleep, i'm going to keep watch from the window." Natasha said dropping her bag in the corner. "I know you don't sleep a lot Steve but the least you could do is rest, close your eyes for a minute."

"Alright Romanov." Steve said putting his bag down, propping up against one of the shack walls.

A few hours Clint had fallen asleep and Steve was as silent as ever.

Natasha watching outside stared up through some of the trees watching the stars light up one by one. She thought about the day. How long it had been since she had hung out with Steve and Clint together. The great times the three had been through. She gazed at the stars for a few moments until she saw a lamp like light squinting through the trees. The light was staying still, It almost looked like there was another hut over the hill.

"Hey, wake up. " She said kicking Clint's leg.

"Huh.. ush . What?" Clint said drowsily.

"It looks like there's a house over there.." She said pointing from the window.

"Hey.. it does look like someone's over there... Steve!"

"Yeah, i'm up." He said.

"Should we check it out?" Clint asked.

"I'm up for it" Natasha said eagerly.

"Well.. It wouldn't be as safe as it would be in the day." Steve said skeptical.

"We might not be able to see it during the day." Clint said.

"Alright, lets go then.. " Steve said picking up his bag.

Natasha jumped up grabbed her bag and started to go over the hill following the light. Clint and Steve followed her careful to watch where she was & where she was headed.


"Oh crap" Clint said falling down.


"oH GOD! Ouch! That hurts really bad." Clint said grasping his leg.

"You okay Clint?" Natasha asked looking back toward him.

"Does it sound like i'm okay??!" Clint said closing his eyes tightly pressing on his leg. "I can't feel it."

"Shit." Natasha said running back up to him. "Cap do you think you could carry him? We definitely need to get him to someone now.. "

"Yep" Cap said pulling Clint up and holding him in his arms.

( Example :

"If you tell anyone about this, I'll kill you." Clint said looking up at Steve.

"Alright, well I just won't tell anyone then."

Natasha began fast walking toward the hut getting closer and closer to where the light would be. Steve following fast behind. They finally got to the door of the hut, the light still glowing from the inside. It was way bigger than the shack they found.

Natasha began knocking on the door of the hut intensely .

Someone got up and headed toward the door. The door finally opened,

A sudden wave of anxiety rushed over Natasha as she stared up at the person who opened the door.

"Natasha?" Bruce said puzzled. "What are you doing here..?"


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