Chapter Two

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I have arrived in class as I sat down the teacher said "please stand up Emma. Ok so today because we have a new student we are going to ask her some questions about her life and family. So Emma can you please come up at the front of the room." Emma felt like that she was going to do a oral-presentation! "Ok so who would like to ask the first question?" the teacher asked. One of the twins shot there  hand up strait way and said "What school did you used to go to?" Emma answered saying "oh um... I went to St Patricks high-school up in England." After a while Emma felt calm and answered questions quit quickly and the teacher said "oh look at that first period is over what a shame! Ok now get out!" Everyone rushed out.

The two twins was standing outside of the door and walk around with Emma. As Emma came out she saw the twins standing there so happy and excited. "Hey can we hang with you?" they asked. Emma replied "yeah sure." They were talking throughout the day even during classes. 

So it was the end of the day and Emma waved goodbye to Hannah and Miley. As she got home she saw her mum and dad crying out on the front door step. Emma came rushing and said "mum, dad what happened?" Her mother replied saying "listen honey your nana had passed away!" and started crying again. And Emma thought to herself "so this is how my new life turns out!"

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