Friends. Nothing More.

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(Emerald's photo on the side :)) As Cara Delevingne)

Emerald's POV

Yup. Me and the girls agreed. We can be friends, best friends. But in a relationship with them? No way. I don't like to have a boyfriend. It would only give us problems, and... Scars in our hearts... We're here in our room. Talking about the boys. When suddenly, Mylene asks this question. It's really weird.

"Girls... I think you might not believe it. I don't even understand." , she said.

"Understand what?" , Ryla asks.

"I don't understand my feelings. Because I think I hate and might have fallen for Zayn at the same time..." she explained.

"WHAT?!" , me and Ryla said in unison. Our eyes widening.

"What are you talking about? I thought we have discussed this?" , I added.

"I don't know, Em!" , she said.

"You can't." , Ryla frowned.

"I know I can't! But the thing is, I don't know if I can do it." , she explained.

"What do you mean you don't know if you can?" , I quizzed.

"If we're friends with them, of course we will always hang out. But I can't avoid him just to destroy my feelings!" , she said.

"Enough. Let's just wait and see what would happen okay?" , Ryla added.

"Yeah, let's just wait." , I agreed.

But I think she's right. Because I always feel weird whenever I'm near with Harry. I hope this can't be true.

"Girls, let's write a song." , Ryla smiled, changing the subject.

"What kind?" , Mylene asks.

"I think we must know the title first." , I added.

"Stupid Feelings?" , Ryla asks playfully.

"What kind of title is that?" , We laughed.

"I know, I know." , she said sarcastically.

"How about, A Thousand Miles?" , I asks.

(A/N: Yeah, I know. xD A Thousand Miles by Vanessa. :D But Like I said, It's only in the story. :D)

"I like it." , Ryla said.

"I agree." , Mylene added.

"I think the sound would be great if I played the piano, Mylene for the acoustic, and drums for Ryla?" , I asks.

"Yeah. I think we will finish the song for about 1 week?" , Ryla asks.

"Of course." , I said sarcastically.

Then silence filled the room. It's awkward though.

"I wanna go shopping." , Ryla growled. Breaking the silence.

"Same. But we can't get out of this mansion for about 6 months." , Mylene rolled her eyes.

"And boredom strikes me." , I added.

"Let's do something. How about watch a movie?"




"Let's do something we haven't done before." , I said.

"Like?" , Mylene asks.

"Drinking?" , I said.

"Are you serious?" , Ryla added.

"Yes." , I said. I looked at them. Their eyes widening.

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