Unexpected Night

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(Ryla's picture on the side! :)) As Erich Gonzales)

Emerald's POV

We girls really waked up early so we won't miss the shocked looks by the lads.

"I . Can.'t . Wait!!" , Mylene laughed evilly.

"I know!" , I added.

"Revenge is just sweet." , Ryla said. We looked at her, confused.

"What?" , she quizzed.

"Sweet?" I questioned. She just rolled her eyes. When suddenly, we heard the lads screamed, anger fills their voice.

"Hurry! Pretend we're asleep!" , Mylene said and quickly went to her bed. We all did the same and pretended to sleep.

And just in time, our door opened loudly.

"GIRLS! What the heck is this?!" , I hear Harry's voice. I'm biting my tongue to stop laughing.

"WAKE UP!" , Zayn yelled.

"What the-- Why are you screaming so early in the morning?!" , Mylene yelled, pretending to be angry. But I can see the smirk on her face.

"We know you did this!" , Niall scowled.

"Why are you blaming us?!" , Ryla scowled back.

"Yeah, you don't even have a proof!" , I said.

"Then who? The lads won't do this to us!" , Harry said, crossing his arms.

"Proof first!" , I said.

"Okay! Then what is this?!" , he said, showing me his nails that are bright pink. "Only you girls have a nail polish!"

"And this! What happened?!" , Zayn scowled. Mylene chuckled a bit. His hair has a clip, ribbons, and more. He look like a baby. Hahahaha!

"And look at me!" , Niall said, pointing at his face. So Ryla did this. His lips are red and his cheeks are pink. So he look like he's blushing.

We can't do this anymore. We girls bursted into laughter. Tears formed in our eyes from laughing. When suddenly, Louis and Liam popped out of nowhere.

"What is this noise all abo--"

And they all bursted into laughter too. Joining us.

"This isn't funny!" , the boys said in unison.

"W-who... Did th-is... to youuu?" , Louis said as he was still laughing. The boys just looked at us, frowning.

"Sorry! It's just revenge!" , I said, luckily I stopped laughing. We girls noticed that they're angry.

"This is a nightmare!" , Harry yelled.

"Well, spiders are more scary!" , Mylene argued.

"That is just fake!" , Zayn argued back.

"It doesn't matter if it's fake! Plus, it made us cry!" , Ryla added.

"Whatever! Let's go, I want to clean my face." , Niall scowled. And the three stormed out of the room.

"Oopsss. It isn't our fault right?" , Mylene asks nervously.

"Don't worry. They just need to cool off." , Liam said, cheering us up.

"Thanks. I hope they won't stay mad." , Ryla said.

The two went out of the room, leaving us girls alone.

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