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And as I wake up the next day, I see the rays of sun shining through the blinds leaving rows of sungarden on my bed. Little dust faeries water my garden, it seemed as I looked out. I wipe the sandy beaches away from my eyes and reach up tall, yawning and open up the sleeping caves inside my body. My tummy rumbles with the furiosity of a dragon. I get down my bed and walk over the soft carpet towards the door. I notice the cup fallen on the carpet that had permanently left a mark now. These people will ruin my house. I walk over it and towards the door, but I don't open it! I can't open it...

FromvCyrus' POV -

I see Jessica pouring milk into three bowls of wheat. Her pajamas look wet.

"Cereals?Like seriously?" I ask.

"Eat healthy!" She responds quickly. I was expecting a smile. I don't get one. I make a grumpy yet cute face. "Why not we eat something there?"

"Not wasting this okay!" She shouts. That was one lary shout, I think. Oh and just in case you don't know, LARY is the combination of "loud" and "scary". I like combining two or more words to create a better one - a fact about the awesome me. "Now eat it!"

"Okay chill! Where's Liz"

"I don't know." Something about Jessica seems different today.

"I'll check."

"There's no need of that." We both turn to our right to perceive Liz. Her hair looks electrified and she holds up her right hand closing her palm. "Guess what's inthere?" I notice the cheeky glare and a little gush of excitement on her face. She looks messy yet gorgeous, I think. I focus back and see her slowly opening her palm to reveal a deep blue, perhaps an ultramarine stone with golden inclusions of pyrites which shimmer like little stars.

"I have seen this somewhere." I say quickly.

"The Lapis Lazuli! How did you-"I see Jessica's eyes shooting a desperate look towards the stone. Her face seeming to be filled with loads of anxiousness for the gem, which appeared quite a danger to me. Something smells fishy.

"The redbox... This was what it hid the whole time Jess!"

"Can somebody tell me what's going on?" I ask out of nowhere.

"This is the stone wanted by the Blackbournes to break a curse." Liz responds.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I notice Jessica staring at the stone eagerly as I speak.

"She'll explain in the car. Till then, where do I keep this? We're getting late!"

"Leave that to me." I notice Liz smile and before she could hand over the stone to Jessica, I snatch it away...

"Hey!What the hell?"

"I think it's safer with me." Jessica is far more systematically arranged than I am but something doesn't seem right about her today. She doesn't appear to be the Jessica I have known. I find the stone safer with me than her today. I hear her cursing under her breath.

"Oh well, I am gonna change. See you guys in the car!" And saying so Liz walks off towards the bathroom.

"Aren't you gonna change?" Jessica asks me. "I mean you have to you know.. get ready right?"

"I am always ready!" She seems to be waiting to get hold of the stone as soon as possible. And I won't let that happen till I know WHY. I slide the stone into my pocket, gulp down my bowl of cereals and walk out of the front door. I could sense her anger even from the distance. I jog down the main road and with great difficulty convince a taxi driver to drive us to the falls. His rates were quite expensive, but after certain calculations it came to the conclusion that I only had to pay one third of this rate since the three of us will have to share the money to sum up to the total. I am happy now. He follows me and after parking his taxi near Jessica's house, he signals me to make things quick.

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