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Chantelle's p.o.v

I had made my decision and I was going to London.

But I told Adam not for long because I wanted to bring my passion into bieng a model than being a stupid farmer!!!

That morning i squinted my eyes and found Adam starring into by baby blue eyes!

"What,are you doing" i said softly to Adam

Adams p.o.v

"Oh,nothing are you ready??"

Chantelle got dressed and then we went down stairs.

Her dad gave me a dirty look!!
I couldn't help my self and then I just blurted out..

"What are you looking at,do you have a problem??"

Dads p.o.v

"Yes I do have a problem with you and you need to stay away and far away!"

I felt so bad when I had said that I had made a big mistake!!

I went up stairs into the bathroom and washed my face
I felt the cold water constenly going in my eyes.

Chantelle's p.o.v

"I'm sorry Adam that my dad said that but we can go London today we've got the tickets!"

So that day I went home and got my bags I had a last snack coz ohh....boy Its going to be a long....ride!!!

I waited for Adam as I was at the plane station

Adams p.o.v

"There...bags packed and ready to go!!
here I come...london

I met chantelle at the plane station and we got on the plane...

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