Zombies: A New Day

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Chapter 1


As the sun rose,we climbed down from the roof peering down below us, we were finally safe and could look forward to our new home because from this day we were all going to stick together.

3 years later......

I sat on the edge of my bed with Melissa, peering out of the window. We could see all the buildings that had filled the horizon from where the infection had first hit,they were now clean and none of the rubble cluttered the streets. I got up and got on some clothes to get ready to go out. After the incident with the mansion we had started to rebuild earth and the whole island was sectioned off and no zombies remained. I was thank full that we were alive and not dead. As the sun rose I kissed Melissa on the lips and went downstairs. I walked down theand into he kitchen and made a coffee, thinking back to those terrible moments during the infection.

The raiders, the zombies and the worse one of all.Emma. I shuddered at the thought of me turning into one of those things,but I know we are safe we do not have to worry anymore about getting eaten alive. " Melissa I'm off to Lukes shop to get some supplies for us because I think were running low" I shouted up the stairs to her. " Ok babe be careful though" she replied. "I will" I said and with that I walked out of the door and into the open air.

I walked about ten minutes down the street before I came to store,I stepped in and was greeted with Luke."Yo you ok?" He asks me. "Yeah,I never got to ask how did you survive that horde and you had been bitten" I ask. "Well you see when I ran through the horde the zombies ignored me because I was infected but the virus didn't turn me it just enhanced me if you know what I mean" he relies to me in an awkward tone. "Yeah I suppose I do" I reply to him.

" So how are you and melissa" he smirks and waits for an answer. " Good thanks we are going to move house soon and we will be moving a bit closer to you" I say back to him. " Oh ok that will be cool having you as our neighbour ay?' He starts to laugh. "Yup" I reply. "So what did you come here for?" He says and I reply telling him that I was just here to pick up a few bits you know like food and clothes. He nods and I look at a few shelves and only pick out the nescessities that we really need to live off. I walk to luke and give him a wave. Scince there's no goverment anymore nobody has to pay for their stuff even though their is loads of survivors that had heard this island was safe and they traveled here in search of safety and of course they found it.

I walked out the door of the shop and I headed back to my house and melissa was waiting for me on the sofa. I went and sat next to her and she wrapped her arms around me and I drifted off in her arms. I woke with a start looking to my right and melissa wasn't there. I checked in the kitchen and there she was blood dripping off her face, her eyes were midnight back, the veins in her arms were pompus and they were a thick black colour. She let out a snarl and lept at me.

I realised it was a dream and woke up sweating, mellissa walked in the livingroom to see what all the commotion was, she smiled and kissed me on the lips and they were smooth and soft,this instantly comforted me as she knew it would. Melissa pulled away and stared into my eyes. " Jason if it wasn't for you I probably would of died three years ago and I am greatfull for that " she says getting up and stretching her legs and she catches me glimpsing and opens her mouth to speak. " Like what you see?" She says with a cheeky grin on her face, I blush and she sits next to me again her hips were touching mine and we talked to eachother for what had seemed ages. After awhile I looked out of the window and the midnight moon was rising,its silver rays reflecting of melissa's face it made her look amazing. We walked up the stairs for a goodnight sleep.

Strangers P.O.V

I walked down the street, this and island was amazing its the best safe place I've been , its like the infection never actually hit. I turn the corner to head to my house walking through the street alley and I hear a can rolling behind me. I instantly turn around to find nothing there, I continue to walk a lot faster to reach the safety of my house I am almost at my door when a shadow jumps out and growls at me and I scream in terror. " Ahahahahaha you fell for it" a voice said.

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