Chapter 3 - Trapped

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We got into the car and we instantly took off down the road whizzing past all of the infected incredible speed running over any that blocked our path, they would scream a ear piercing scream that could instantly make somebody death if they got to close to the wailing infected because it almost sounded like a demented banshee wondering the earth trapped in a dark void looking for souls to feed on and consume.

We were literally flying down the road the world seemed far beneath our feet , the sight was just amazing. " Hey luke where did you find this ride?" I ask. " Oh this was gareth's and jay jays ride" he replies and I instantly knew that these were the two people he brought with them. " Hi " gareth and jay jay said at the same time. I noticed gareth had short spikey black hair and jay jay was more of a brunett.

" Hi where did you guys meet luke then?" I ask. " Oh we saw him in trouble and rode by and he hopped in I mean we were pretty lucky to escape them things you know it was quite hard to do, have you noticed they have started to get faster and they seem a lot stronger now so I've figured we all need to be careful around them now there's no telling what they will do next" he replies in a worried manor. " Yeah I think I agree " I replie to him knowing that he is right and that was worrying.

We came to a bunch of houses on their own and their were no others for a couple of miles now so we decided that it would be safe for us to take refuge here for the night as their were hardly any zombies around , and I mean hardly any because there were none in sight. We unloaded our stuff not knowing what to expect of this newly founded place but what I expect is a safe home for a little while. I stare at the foot th leading down to where we were going to take refuge in.

As we walked the gravel crunched beneath our feet like freshly fallen snow it was the softest noise I had ever heard. We reached the end of the path and none of us said a word but we all exchanged glances as we made our way up to the recently glossed doorway. I raise my gun and go to inspect the windows that lay not far from the door. I peer inside and I see several seats and chairs. That's when I see it. I see a shadow bolt across the room and dissapear again into the darkness, I realised that this was a mutant creature not a zombie. I let out procaution to the rest of the group but it was to late as gary had walked in willingly not knowing that this creature was waiting for him. Gary is now in a massive pool of unsatisfying blood with his head severed and his limbs torn in seven different places.

The rest of the group were firing rounds of bullets at this creature as it dodged side to side and continued its elegant bounds towards us leaping with such furosity that it would make anybody shiver in fear or hide away. I quickly took action and sprinted towards the b ack of the garden once every few seconds checking my back. The creature was gaining ground, I spun round and the butt of my gun collided with the mutants face and it crashed to the ground with a violent shake.

I quickly raised my gun and put a bullet into his brain making this creature go silent for the last time, returning to its eternal damnation. I scan the area hoping to see the rest of the team standing by the car but all I saw was the car and bodys lying lifeless accross the grass. Melissa!, crap where is she I think to myself, frantically searching the rest of the garden.

A little way off I here a low cry for help and begin to make my way towards the sound quickly building up speed. I turn the corner at the end of the silent street that was once filled with the noise of cars and people making their way to work and most of all my family. Bang! I am instantly flung through the air like a rag doll or a circus performer being shot out of a cannon, I hit the floor and a sharp pain flows through my legs and my vision is now blurred out. I can just about make out a figure walking up to me before I am swallowed in darkness.

I'm running through the woods the sky is dark, the horizon rolls beneath my feet as bulky shadows flicker accross the night sky. All is silent. I feel so free with the earth moving around me. A growl eminates from the distance. A shape forms infront of me and speaks words. The words sooth my mind I step forward and it grabs my shoulders and sinks its teeth into my neck.

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