When I woke up the room was dark and I couldn't move. I then noticed I was strapped to a metal table.
I looked round and noticed river was on a table next to me. I couldn't see the doctor in the room.
"River" I said looking at her. I couldn't see if she was awake or not. "Yeah" sh replied suddenly. Looking back at me.
"You ok?" I asked her. "I'm fine and you?" She replied. "Fine" I replied back to her.
After a few minutes of silence I thought I heard water hitting the floor. I also heard someone crying when I noticed river. She was surrounded by a puddle and crying. I could tell she was in pain because river doesn't cry over anything.
"Charlotte...." She said trailing off at the end. Then I remembers when we were at the picnic. Before we passed out the doctor passed me his sonic and whispered in my ear "protect her" and I put it in my left sleeve.
I managed to wriggle it out and break the cuffs chaining me to the table. When I was out I ran over to river.
"Hang on river you'll be out in a tick." I said sonicking her out. I put my arm round her to help her stand out, picked up our stuff including a gun and walked out to find the doctor.
We walked pass many rooms and then walked by the cells when we finally came across the doctor. He was sitting in a corner with his hands over his face.
"Doctor?" I said as I started sonicking the door. He lifted his hands off his face and ran to the now open door.
"How you two doing?" He asked hugging us. "Catch up, rivers water broke and she is going into labor so we need to go to the tardis now!"I said. Panicking.
The doctor had the most scared face on that I had ever seen on him. The doctor helped me with river and we quick walked it down the long winded corridor.
We turned a corner and saw the silence blocking us from the tardis. I really angry at the silence and kovarian that I pulled out my gun and said "I don't have time for this!" And shot them dead.
As soon as we got into the tardis the doctor flicked levers and pressed buttons on the console in a blind panic. Meanwhile I got river to lie down on the sofa.
This time the tardis didn't jolt around like I was used to this time he actually used the blue stabilisers or 'boringers' as he called them. I comforted river as we landed.
I ran round to my room as the doctor was helping river sit up. I got the wheelchair that I used when I broke my toe and helped river into it.
As we rushed out the door river got rushed into a cubicle while me and the doctor where told to wait in the waiting room.
a few hours passed until we were allowed to see river again. She looked really tiered. Me and the doctor ran over to her and gave her a big hug. She was holding something in her hand. When I moved one of the towels there was a little tiny baby sleeping in her arms.
"It's a boy" river said smiling