Chapter 1.

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PLEASE KEEP IN MIND I AM CURRENTLY EDITING THIS SO THERE ARE MAJOR PLOT JUMPS, AND A LOT OF CONFUSION THANK YOU. I'm not even in the homestuck fandom, so this may take longer than expected. I'm sorry.

Potentially triggering, self-harm, foul language, self-loathing, school mentions, implied bullying, etc. Read with caution, and stay safe.

If you wanna find me on social media
My Tumblr is GreyNihilsm, n Instagram is GreyNihilst.
I deleted my last Insta account bc I'm the worst. rip lmao
Karkat Vantas is a troll, he has just relocated from his home in Derse, and now inhabits a small home in Skaia. He is a troll, with cherry red blood, thicker than water. It pumps through his veins with a purpose to keep him alive, though the color makes it worse. He's been taught to hate it, because he's different, it's different. Humans may not think so, but Karkat knows better. He despises the thick liquid that flows through his veins, almost as much as he despises himself. Sure, something so silly wouldn't matter to anyone else, but that's easy for them to say, they aren't him. They won't know how it feels, to be a mutant. A freak dare he say.

You see, Karkat Vantas is tired of living. He's tired of hiding his emotions with anger, that's what his depression takes form as. Anger. No one cares enough to get to know the poor boy. People at school despise him, maybe with good reason, maybe they know his thoughts, that's why they stay away, because they can see right through his eyebags, and long sleeves. He's an outcast, and he always will be. Instead of talking to people, he'll snap at them. It doesn't matter what he feels, because all he knows is anger. Everything else is emptiness, and he's unsure what to do with himself. Everything feels like a dream, and he desperately wants to wake up.

What people don't see, is the way he tries to make sure he isn't dreaming. Flicking a razor across the smooth skin of his forearms, and thighs, watching the beads of his disgusting blood, threatening to spill. Sometimes, he'll dig deeper. He needs to know he's alive. The only way he can be positive is watching the very thing that keeps him going pour from his self-mutilation. "Why deal with your problems, when you can just escape." He often finds himself thinking.

Today, was Karkat's first day at a new school. There's a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, 'there won't be any trolls at this school,' he thinks solemnly to himself, he can feel it.
Karkat exited his house, pace set to slow, avoiding getting to the bus stop faster than need be. His hair is a mess of raven black, sticking up in all directions in the worst way possible. Protruding from his hair, two small, candy corn shaped horns sat there neatly, untouched, colorful. A slow exhale made its way from his mouth, billowing out into the cold air around him. That's another sign he's alive, his breath is there. Funny, really, how even when someone has reached the age of 17, they can still be enthralled by the sight of their breath in cold weather. Maybe Karkat's enthrallment wasn't for healthy reasons, but that didnt matter to him.
There were freckles sprinkled and dusted lightly against his pale, grey skin. Karat was clad in a black jumper, equipped with a turtle neck, there was a cancer symbol painted on the center of it. He found it funny, really. How he's wearing a cancer symbol, sure it meant the zodiac sign, but that doesnt stop him from chuckling at the fact that he is the cancer of his own life, more toxic than the disease itself. There were skinny jeans resting at his hips, squeezing them.
'Mistake number 1,000, maybe more,' he thought bitterly, 'Fucking skinny jeans.'

Karkat winced with every step to the bus stop. You see, skinny jeans and cuts don't make the best pair.
"how unfortunate," Karkat mumbles, "You appear to be a dumbass too."

Eventually, Karkat had to stop stalling and approach the bus stop. He stood at the bus stop, gazes burning into the back of his neck.
'Don't you know its fucking rude to stare? Mind your own business,' Karkat thought about stating that out loud, which caused him to make a low, dry laugh. Yeah right, he's a fucking wimp, like hell he would actually do that.
Eventually, the bus rounded the corner, stopping in front if the awaiting teens. Everyone bounded onto the bus, Karkat following last.
Karkat looked around, and began drifting near the back where there were empty seats, Karkat had his eyes trained on an empty seat, when he was abruptly shaken from his trance, by someone gripping his wrist and pulling him into the seat.
Karkat yelped, instinctively. The other person seemed to get that they shouldn't hold on any longer, and dropped Karkat's wrist. Karkat's eyes glanced to look at the culprit who had pulled him away from his perfect seat.
It was a blond male, wearing black aviators that you couldn't even see the shadow of his eyes in. He had dark freckles along the bridge of his nose and cheek bones, and was paler than anything Karkat had ever seen on a being.
'Oh, I guess it could be worse, he's cute. Wait what? No. Stop thinking things like that.' Karkat mumbled something under his breath incoherently.
Karkat continued to stare at the stranger, longee than necessary. A cough pulled him away from his thoughts. "Well hello there, yes this seat is open." The male spoke. Karkat glanced at his lips, they were pulled up into a smirk. "What the fuck do you mean? You're the one that pulled me into this seat may I remind you, thank you very much." Karkat spat back.
The stranger held up his hands in surrender, chuckling. "Wow there tiger, I was just messing with you man."
Karkat felt heat rise to his cheeks, and he was unsure as to why. The stranger didn't say anything in particular so why was he already flustered?
"Cute. You're cute. My name's Dave Strider, and the pleasure is all yours, because you just met the coolest dude on the planet." Dave spoke with a silky smooth tone, the smirk still playing on his lips.
"Karkat Vantas." He replied slowly, unsurely, almost.

The two rode in silence, Dave staring at Karkat intently, and Karkat only stealing quick glances now and then. The bus was met with the view of the school, and the students eagerly filed off the bus.
"Well Kitkat, I'll see you later." Dave spoke confidently.
Karkat wasn't too sure he'd see Dave later. He made a mental note to basically avoid Dave, that's probably the easiest way to do it.
Karkat checked in with the office, retrieving a schedule, and his locker. He went on a search to found his locker, when he had finally found it, he audibly groaned. There next to it was Dave, leaning against the locker next to Karkat's, speaking with someone, probably his friend. 'oh yeah, people actually have friends. I must've forgot' Karkat snickered to himself, as he approached the lockers.
Dave's head flicked in the direction of Karkat, stealing a glance.

Today was going to be a long day, Karkat thought bitterly.

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