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TO: [Josh] www.josh.akwaaard@gmail.com

FROM: [Samantha] www.samantha@gmail.com

Subject: Family trips

Hey, how are you? It's been a few days since I have sent you an email. How have you been? I have stuck to that plan and it has actually been working and things haven't been as torturous as they had been. After that whole scene with that teacher, everyone pretty much avoids me and refuses to look at me in the eye. Which, of course, by the way Josh, is perfect!

Remember the last trip our families decided to have? That trip to the woods. How you coaxed me into coming and I remember dumping a bucket of water over your head for getting me to agree to which at that time, sounded appalling and ridiculous. I remember it as if it had happened yesterday. I remember sitting in that car and everyone was singing these camp songs and everyone was off-tune. Including you. Oh the torture! Okay, they weren't so bad and neither were you. But still! And that rule about not taking any electronic device destroyed me since I was actually forced to listen to what the rest of you called music. That rule, somehow did not apply to adults, which I still believe is unfair, even though it probably saved our asses that week.

The cabin we were staying at wasn't so bad. I actually liked it. It was extremely comfortable and very, how do you describe it? Homey. Yes. That's it. It was better than staying outdoor and being bitten by mosquitoes. Ugh. Gross. I still get goosebumps thinking about the sight of blood whenever I killed those tiny rascals. Yuck.

I remember splashing each other and trying to scare each other by pulling each other's legs or carefully brushing against each other underwater. Oh, how much I laughed that entire week. I remember staying up all night and all four of us, Claire, Harper, you and I. We talked about these memories of when we were children. It seems so far away. We are grown up. Only a few years to graduate.

I think we all became a lot closer than we had been. I want to go and revisit that cabin.

I think it was the first time that I had gone fishing and climbed a tree. Every time I tried, I kept falling on my ass and you kept laughing. It made me so happy, for me to be able to make you laugh. For once, it was me, who was the reason for your laughter.

I'm so glad to have been able to spend a week of my life like that before I died. These are the types of memories that I want to take to my grave.

It was exciting to be able to hold those fire work stick thingies. I still can't remember what they are called. We were able to take amazing pictures and remember how impatient I was to go and get them printed?

It makes me sad that, a day like that will never ever come again.

I'm going to go. Take care Josh.

Yours truly,


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