Hey guys, here's the next chapter! :) hope you all enjoy it and ill be updating on Sunday! Hope you guys have a great weekend! Friday tomorow, woot woot! Don't forget to tell me what you think in the comments bellow and follow me on twitter for more hints on next updates and crazy attractive picture of Justin! ;) @Aly_Bieber0826
You wake up the sun shinning bright through the windows. You and Justin had fell asleep talking last night about your next surprise. you couldn't wait to see what it was. You turn over and realize that Justin isn't laying next to you. It's just too good to be true you think instantly. Just then the door flies open and Justin's there with bags full of groceries. You're extremely confused. "I went out and got some groceries, to cook us some breakfast." Justin tells you. "You were actually able to go to the grocery store and pick up groceries without getting mobbed? Impressive" you awnser. Justin laughs. "No. Kenny picked them up for me." You and Justin head to the kitchen area of the very large hotel room. "I was thinking we could make creeps?" Justin asks you. "Sounds good!" You answer. You always loved crepes. "But you know what I'm best at?" Justin tells you. "What's that?" You say, curious. "I'm make incredible grilled cheese!" You both laugh. "We'll ok, you have to promise me you'll make me some one day." "I promise" Justin tells you. You guys take all the ingredients out and Justin pulls up the recipie on his phone. You guys start baking the crepes. You and Justin start playing with the flour and you guys end up converted in it. "The hotel manager won't be too happy with us" you say sarcastically. " Then it's a good thing were getting out of here eh?" Justin tells you. You laugh. Justin throws blueberries up and catches them with his mouth to impress you. Once the crepes are ready and both eat and clean up the kitchen. You hear a phone buzz. Justin gets up and heads over to his phone. "It's my mom asking me how Tokyo is. She's going to be here in a few days." Then it hits you. It had been three days since you should have been home and you hadn't contacted your mom or your aunt to tell the, where you were. You had a feeling, this wasn't going to be pretty.

Justin Bieber - Believe (Fan Fiction)
FanfictionYour visiting your aunt in New York. You end up meeting the last person you thought you would --- Justin Bieber. Your world spins from there and everything changes from that moment on. As the days go by, your life just changes more and more, who kno...