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I'm stuffed in a car full of loons my mom is painting her nails my dad is on his Bluetooth talking about work he is the co-owner of Under Armer so I get free clothes. Sports kind of runs through my family my dad was the pitcher for LSU and my mom loves volleyball. She played through high school and my sisters are twins and are in love with soccer and one direction but that's a whole new topic. I'm not a very sporty guy I like track only because I'm very fast fastest at my school. But my favorite hobby is video games I especially love Minecraft. I finally but I woke up to my dog licking my face like crazy I scream
"Max stop!!!"
My sisters snickering I yell
"Shut up!"
My dad interrupted
"Now now no fighting were hear"
We come to Shasta every year to see my aunt Kat she lives on a houseboat out on Shasta.We finally pull in and I'm happy to get out of the hot car and stretch out my legs. We see aunt Kat and my mom screams and runs and gives her a huge hug and my dad says
"Say hi kids" taking my phone out of my hand I say hi aunt Kat so we go out on the speed boat and get to there houseboat its huge. I found where my dad hid my phone and played some Minecraft u till I heard who want to go tubing I sprung up yelling me. So we all packed in the speed boat leaving max behind but he jumped on before we left then not even 20 yards from the boat it broke down so a maintenance man came and fixed it. He asked me where I'm from I said Oregon, nice I live in a little town just over that hill oh cool I said so you guys going tubing yes sir I'm not trying to brag but back in the day I was the best on Shasta he chuckled well it should be good take it easy guys he said yea you too my dad said.

7 days at Shasta survival storyWhere stories live. Discover now