Chapter 2 the wreck

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So I hopped on the tube and the throttle hit I sprung forward and getting whipped around and then I hear a loud smash the boat goes at a complete stop.The tube keeps going and hits the boat and bam black all I see is black. I wake up to a dog barking it was max he was the only survivor I searched the boat bawling like a baby it was so hard to think that this happened I found a survival kit and my dads special knife. I checked the kit there was an emergency blanket ,2 mre's and a canteen filled with water. So now I'm making my way to the woods up steep hill and max came to we hiked to the top and we were so tired and I took the first drink and pored some on max and kept moving. It's almost dark and we finally found a little dip in the ground to sleep in I layed out the blanket and sat on it and cried for hours wish my family was here I finally fell asleep but then max sprung up waking me up and started barking. I looked around and didn't see anything then I heard a crack in the bushes and out came out 3 coyotes they were mean and looking to kill max. Then I reached for my knife and they charged at us max charged too I knew max needed help its kinda like Minecraft that if a dog is tamed to you and you hit an untamed dog a pack will try to attack you but your dog steps in. but this time he needs help so I charged and stabbed a dog then got bit in my left leg then max bit him in the neck then I threw the knife at the last one and killed it. Then I didn't sleep the rest of the night worrying about coyotes.

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