Chapter VII : (Failed) Reunion

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~The Assassin And The Princess~

~Chapter VII~

~(Failed) Reunion~

Killua's POV

After those hours in the plane,finally we arrived at York New City!! But I enjoyed the time I spend with Yukina at the plane (No dirty minds)."I hope we can do that longer.Right Yukina?" I ask Yukina."S-shut up" She answer with red face.Hehehehehe.I love teasing Yukina~.

We walk in a crowded street."Yukina,hold my hand" I said to her.She hold my hand tightly.When we want to cross the street,I saw something familiar.A boy with spiky hair and green clothes.It's Gon!.

Yukina's POV

This street is really crowded.Killua tell me to hold his hand so I hold his hand.His hand was cold.I hope he is alright.When we want to cross the street,I saw Killua's eyes radiate happiness.

"GON!!!!" He called someone.

A boy with spiky hair looked at Killua.His eyes radiate happiness too.




The boy with spiky hair run to me and Killua."Gon,don't do that!" Shout Killua.But it was too late,that boy already at the middle of the street.A truck with high speed is about to hit that boy! I have to save him.I run to that boy and pull him to my direction.We both fall and the truck doesn't hit the boy.I opened my eyes and see the boy's brown eyes.Yup,now the boy is right on top of me."Oh,I'm sorry" said the boy and stand up."I-it's okay" I said to him."You baka! You can die you know?!" Scold Killua to the boy."Hehehe.Gomenne" Said the boy.He is kind of cute to me."Killua,who is she?" Ask the spiky haired boy."This is Yukina,my fiancee.Yukina,this is Gon,my best friend" Said Killua to both of us."It's nice to meet you,Yukina-san!" Said Gon to me."It's nice to meet you too,Gon.Killua talk so much about you" I said to Gon.We talked so much about ourself.I think we can be best friends.

Kurapika's POV

I've been waiting for my best friends,Killua,Gon,and Leorio.It's been so long we haven't meet each other.I really miss them.


Looks like they have arrived.When I opened the door,I only see Leorio."Where is Killua and Gon?" I ask Leorio."I don't know.I don't meet them at the street" Answer Leorio.Now they made me worried.Maybe they lost? Or maybe they are on their way.But I'm still worried.

Killua's POV

"Gon do you know how to get to Kurapika's apartement?" I ask."I don't know" He answered."SO HOW WE WILL GET GOING TO KURAPIKA'S APARTEMENT???!!!!!!!!" I said."Killua,calm down" Said Yukina.Looks like many people looking at us now."I'm going to text Kurapika" I said.Before I can text him,he already call me.


"Killua? Where are you?"

"I don't know.We kinda lost,I guess"

"Do you know how to get to the park?"


"Leorio and I will meet you and Gon there"

"Oh,okay.Meet you two there"

The call ended."Gon,we will meet Kurapika and Leorio at the park" I said to Gon."Okay,so what are we waiting for? Lets go!" He said.He never changed,I guess.

Yukina's POV

"So we're going to the park?" I asked Killua."Yeah.we will meet Kurapika and old man there" Answered Killua.Gon is infront of me and Killua.He looks really happy."Gon always like that.He only get too excited" Killua said.I smiled at Gon.He looks like a little boy.Suddenly,Killua hold my hand."Don't look him like that.It makes me jealous" Said Killua.Really? Killua is jealous??."Y-you're jealous?" I asked him."O-of course I am!! You're mine....." He answered with a slight blush.Awww..........He's blushing!! Now I know that an assassin can have a soft heart.I kiss his cheek and said,"Okay,I will never do that again"."Hei Gon,wait for me!!" I said and leave Killua behind."Yukina,don't leave me!!!!" Said Killua.And we run to the park.

Gon's POV

We arrived at the park.There's so many people!! I think it's going to be hard to find Kurapika and Leorio.


I look around to find the person who calls me.That's when I saw Kurapika and Leorio.Great,that means I don't have to search for them anymore :D

"Kurapika! Leorio! I miss you guys!!" I said and hugged them.

"We miss you too,Gon.Where's Killua??" Ask Kurapika.

"He's right behind me" When I looked behind,there are no signs of Killua.Oops.Looks like we are separated.

Yukina's POV

Great.Now I'm lost.I'm sure I already arrived at the park,but I got separated with Gon.I don't see Killua too.There are so many people in this park.It's going to be hard to find them.I looked around and see a chocolate fair.Maybe I should go there first~.

Killua's POV

I got separated with Yukina and Gon and this park is so crowded.Maybe it's because there's a chocolate fair held in this park.Now I'm in the fair,hunting for chocolate balls.After 15 minutes,I already got so many chocolate balls.I also buy white chocolate balls for Yukina.When I was walking,I saw someone familiar.That girl!! It's Yukina!! Why does her face looks really pale?? And why does she is with that man??? The man quickly recognize me and go away.I go to Yukina that still standing.

"Yukina what happened??" I ask.

She looks really scared.What does that man do to her?? Suddenly she faint and I catch her.I better find the others now.

Skip Time Brings You To Kurapika's Apatement~

Gon's POV

Yukina is sleeping now.But Killua still worried about her.He keeps blaming himself because leaving Yukina alone.

"It's okay Killua.She will get better" I said to him.

"I'm so sorry Gon.I'm so sorry minna.I already failed our reunion" He said.

The room filled with silent and sadness.

This is our first failed reunion I guess.....


Love and Hug,
Yukina Frost

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