Chapter 8

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I woke up happier today, with a smile on my face. After the past week, my life has changed so much. My dad is 100% okay, but it’s going to take a while for him to recover. I turned over to see if Harry was up yet, and to my surprise he wasn’t there. I got out of bed thinking he was in the shower so I slowly walked into the bathroom to sneak up on him, he wasn’t there, his stuff wasn’t in here. I ran to my closet, his clothes were gone. When did he leave? Why did he leave? My mind was going 1000 miles a minute. I checked my phone, nothing, no texts, calls not a single damn thing from him. What the fuck is going on. I walked over to my bed and saw a piece of paper folded up. I opened it and it was his hand writing:


Since your reading this you know I’m gone. I can’t even tell you why, I don’t know how. I didn’t know how to react so I just left. I do it a lot. I can’t handle this, us, whatever we are. All I can say is I’m sorry. I hope you understand someday, if you can’t then I understand too. You don’t have to try and find me, I’ll be fine. Took the train, not sure where I’m going.

I’m really really sorry, I can’t say it enough

Harry xx


Harry’s POV

I couldn’t stay any more. I couldn’t watch her sleep and keep lying to her, to myself. She fell asleep so fast and I knew I had to pack quickly and get out of here. I hated leaving her, I knew the fall out was going to be bad, really bad. I didn’t even wake her up to tell her I was leaving. I wrote her a note instead and left it on the pillow. I took a taxi and went to the train station to go home. All of these feelings are back, my dark feelings. As soon as I got on the train I started drinking, I wanted the bottle of Jack to be gone and fast. I needed to numb myself, needed to not feel anything. It’s been so long since I’ve felt this, warmth, numbness, where nothing else matters but this bottle entering my system and the alcohol running through my veins. I knew it was going to take about 15 hours to get home, so I drank fast and hard. I must have passed out because when I woke up we had reached Penn Station. I stumbled off the train still feeling the effects of the alcohol. I looked at my phone to see if she had called or texted, shit it’s off. I fumbled with it to turn it back on and there were no messages. Maybe she didn’t see the note? No she had to have by now. I have to get her out of my head, I have to stop feeling for her, I can’t hurt her but I already did. I don’t even know what I’m saying right now, I’m not making much sense. I feel like the taxi ride to my apartment took forever. When I got home, I just broke down.


Kendall’s POV

What does this even mean? He went home? He can’t fucking handle what? This is ridiculous. The man goes out of his fucking way to beat me to the airport and to what just leave me high and dry? This doesn’t make any sense. I immediately went to get my phone, I traced my finger over his name but it took everything in me to not call him but I tried anyways. It went right to voicemail. I didn’t even leave him a message and then I threw it across the room. Fuck him, I’m not adding to my shitty week. I decided to stay and extra week since now I had no reason to go home. I helped my mom out more and my parents told me to go home and fine Harry. I didn’t want to listen to them but he has been in the back of my mind all week, I guess my parents aren’t as stupid as I thought when it came to my life. I went to the airport and flew home. Niall was waiting for me.

“Where’s your other half” he said to me looking around very confused

“No idea, he left a week ago, haven’t heard from him anddd his phone is off. Wait, you didn’t know he was home?” I said with growing concern

“No, why did he leave? Why happened to make him do that? He hasn’t pulled this shit since his dad died” he said to me

“Well, my dad was in the hospital, he wound up getting triple bypass as I’m sure Ali told you. We had a good night and when I woke up the next morning he left me with this” I said showing him the note

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