Chapter Two

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“Oh, these times are hard and they’re making us crazy, don’t give up on me baby...”

“Once again, Thankyou Sydney! You’ve been an amazing crowd!” Danny, The lead singer of The Script said into the microphone to the thousands of screaming fans and the concert hall lights relit to signal the end of the concert.

“Wow! That was amazing!” Bianca said fan girling with her best friend Kat. 

“Danny is just so sexy! And perfect” Kat said doing a little jumping dance.

“I know! We Cry was defiantly my favourite though!”

“Yeah… No I have to say that For the First Time was amazing!”

“Yeah! As always!”

The two girls grabbed their bags and joined the cue to walk down the narrow stairs to leave Sydney Entertainment Centre,  completely oblivious to Will and Julian being behind them.

“Hey Bianca! Wait!” a voice shouted from behind them, Bianca turned around with a smile on her face to see Will, one of The Collective boys about five people back from them in the cue.

“Yeah!” Bianca yelled back to Will who was trying his hardest to overtake the fans walking down the steps, but not having any luck.

“I need to ask you something! Will you wait for me outside?”

“Umm… Yeah sure! Near where we were before?”


“Ok I’ll see you out there!”

Bianca and Kat turn back to trying their hardest to get out of the entertainment centre alive. They were almost at the bottom of the steps when Kats heel got stuck on the step and she fell forward. She screamed as she fell straight onto her face and pulling Bianca down with her. The cue spit in two as the girls fell, Bianca was about to hit the ground as she was caught around the waist by a young man, causing Kat to hit the ground, but Bianca was fine. “KAT!” Bianca screamed and she ran down to where Kat was lying. “She’s bleeding, help!”

“Someone, call an ambulance!” the young guy called out to the people crowding around.

“Bianca! Is she alright?” Will yelled out as he forced his way thru the crowd, leaving Julian.

Bianca kept talking to Kat but she wasn’t responding to her, “Kat, you’ll be ok! Alright! We’ll get through this!” tears streaming down Bianca’s face “You’ll be fine!”

At this time the ambulance officers had come to Kat’s side.

“We’ll have to take her into the hospital, she’s not responding, but she’s still breathing, she’ll be ok, we just have to get her out of here” the ambulance officer stated as he checked Kat’s breathing.

“Can I come? Please? She’s my best friend!” Bianca murmured as they lifted Kats weak body onto a stretcher bed.

“Sure, and you sir?” The officer asked the young man.

Bianca followed the officers out to the ambulance that was outside the Entertainment Centre, not taking any notice to whether or not that young man was following her.

“Bianca! Wait!” Will called a he grabbed Bianca’s arm.

“What! I have to go! Kats going to the hospital” Bianca replied pulling away from him.

“Can I just ask you something?”

“Sure, but can’t it wait?”

“Not really… but go… it can wait, this is more inportant”

“I’ll see you tomorrow! I promise”

“Alright, I’ll see you then” He replied, with a disappointed look on his face, pulling Bianca into a tight, but short hug. Bianca and Will released as Bianca ran after the ambulance officers, leaving Will in a crowd of spectators, just watching Bianca get into the back of the ambulance with the yung guy that saved her from falling.

Will looked around, pulling out his phone to call Trent, as they were leaving together.

“Trent, Listen, you remember Bianca and Kat they two girls for before? … Well Kat feel down the stairs and is unconscious and has been taking to the hospital … No I’m not joking, where are you? … Can you come around to the front? ... alright I’m waiting here … Cya soon!” Will hung up the phone, trying to fathom what had just happened.

“Will! Hey, can we get a photo?” this young girl, around 15 asked.

“What…?” he replied with a confused look on his face?

“Um… can I get a photo with you?”

“Oh! Sorry! ... Sure!”

They took a quick ‘selfie’ and then she went back to her friends giggling.

“Will!” another voice called out, but this wasn’t a teenage girl, it was Jayden and Julian.

“Hey Will! What happened with the two girls?”

Will explained to Jayden and Julian the situation and where Bianca was.

“Oh! Shit man! How’s Bianca?” Julian asked.

“She’s alright, I didn’t get to speak to her, it all happened so quickly!” Will said looking to the ground then to his phone.

“So you didn’t tell her…?” Julian asked


Trent pulled up in the car to pick up Will. Jayden and Julian said their goodbyes and told Will that he should go and see Bianca and Kat tomorrow. Will got into the passenger seat of Trent’s car.

“Come on Will! We’re going to the hospital!” Trent said to Will as he sat down and put his seat belt on.

“Let’s go!”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2013 ⏰

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