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"youre not up to go in"

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"youre not up to go in"

-two door cinema club, "undercover martyn"


| JULY 13, 1975 |


His expression was faulty, that much he was sure of. The news had just been delivered to him through his parents. Regulus sat next to him at the table, blatantly staring at him along with his parents. Sirius's hands curled up in tight fists, and his expression kept twitching between anger and confusion.

"There is no way out of this," Walburga's large nose pointed at her son in threat. Her dress clung to her curves like a second skin. Sirius felt disgust run through his veins, urging him to get up from the kitchen table and walk out of the house. "You will be going through with this."

"So I have no choice whatsoever?" Sirius spat as he glared at his mother. In a flurry of anger, he stood from the table and the chair flew backwards. Regulus flinched at the sound and the frustration in the room. "You're going to sell me off like I'm fucking cattle, huh? That's what you're going to do, mum?"

Walburga's expression didn't falter. Her eyes, though, they narrowed slightly. Venom danced through the air like a snake. That's what his family was, snakes. They disgusted him to his very core. Her thin lips pursed as she took a step forward, "No one is selling you off. Honestly, Sirius, it's not that big a deal. Your father and I did it."

Orion stood tall next to his wife, watching his son's expressions. The man's dress robes were pristine and pressed to the point of perfection. His own curly, dark hair was pulled back with hair gel. The men of the Black lineage looked just alike, unfortunately for them. "Sirius, you will go through with this. We will not be made to look like fools because of you. Do you understand?"

Succumbing to the glares of his family, Sirius's chest heaved with anger. His lungs filled with fire and smoke, waiting for the sign to breathe the fire out. He wished that he could set the entire house on fire and rebuild himself from the ashes, but it wasn't possible.

Taking a step forward, Orion's left hand held onto his son's right arm. He squeezed to make Sirius look away from his father and towards the floor. Slightly flinching from the force of his father, Sirius felt his entire world crumbling. He nodded his head once, "I'll do it."


| JULY 28, 1975 |


"I'm sorry about all of this," Sirius apologized as he and Florentina walked through the garden's of some pureblood's manor. A party was going on, unsurprisingly. It was for them, actually, not that they wanted it. Thankfully no one their age was invited, just old families. "I didn't want any of this."

Chocolate eyes looked at him, they took in his dress robes and his tamed hair. She, too, looked her best in a pink dress and her hair was curled with some jewelry from her grandmother. Florentina licked her pink lips, "I didn't ask for this either, Sirius. Don't apologize for something we can't control."

He nodded and shoved his hands into his pockets. The sun slowly dropped from the sky and the stars were making their appearance. Together they stood between lilies and roses on the dark stone path. Their eyes were towards the sky, watching the dark sky paint itself.

"Are you going to name your children after constellations, like the rest of your family?" Florentina questioned as her arms crossed. It was a bit chilly outside for summer in London, but she didn't want to play the innocent girl act with Sirius. Their relationship was strained enough already.

Slowly dropping his head from the sky, Sirius turned to look at her. His eyes ran over her for a second before his tongue ran over his teeth. Clearing his throat, Sirius glanced between her and the sky again. The moon illuminated features from her he had never noticed before. She had a small cut on the left side of her lip and a small blemish on her right eyebrow.

Shaking his head, Sirius cleared his throat again. He got distracted by her, easily. Most people did. She was a goddess walking with mere mortals. "I doubt it, honestly. As soon as I turn of age I'm getting out. Leaving. I bet I'll try and cut off all ties from them and that includes the tradition. Shame, really. There are loads of good names that haven't been tainted by my family."

Florentina let out a small laugh as she closed her eyes for a second. The party dragged on until well into the night. The pair stayed outside for the most part, opting out of the theatrics of their family. Florentina itched to get out of her dress, but she didn't know who's house they were at.

"I hate these parties, you know," Florentina held a bottle of champagne to her lips. She sat on the grass with her back pressed up to a stone bench. Sirius sat on the other side of the path, his back on a tree. They cohered a House Elf to bring them two bottles of the alcohol and they were almost done with the second bottle. "They take ten years off my boobs."

Choking on the drink he was swallowing, Sirius laughed a bit while raising his eyebrows at the girl in front of him. He always liked her more when she was drunk. Her walls seemed to drop when she was like this. "What does that mean?"

"You know when you get old and your tits start to sag?" Sirius's head hesitantly nodded as his eyes darted down to her breasts. The dress she wore had a low cut in the front. The slit didn't end under well under her breasts. The sides of her breasts peaked out enough for Sirius to get a small image. Florentina swallowed another sip, "Ten years off my boobs means that they'll start to sag earlier than intended."

A small smirk appeared on Sirius's face as he took the bottle back and held it in his large hands. The gel in his hair had started to wear off and his curls were starting to fall in front of his face. "You know, Borin, I don't think that your boobs will ever sag."

"And how would you know?" Florentina rose an eyebrow. She pushed her chest out slightly, watching as Sirius's eyes fixated on the subject of the conversation. The sheer sleeves of her dress touched her neck softly as she tugged her hair so that it was behind her.

Sirius watched her with fascination, thinking of her like she was art. Her goddess-like features plagued him as his eyes took in her. The champagne felt good as it ran down his throat, cooling him softly. Shrugging a bit, Sirius gave her a wink. "I just know, love."


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