Chapter 1

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"Mommy!!! Sisters!!?? Where are you!!?" I yelled, swimming around the ocean at night with a hurting tail. I was only five-years-old. I was scared and lonely. I swam around to only see seaweed and more seaweed. Then a rock came and crashed into me, causing me black out.


My husband, Jack, and I were walking, taking a moonlight stroll along the sandy floor when we spotted this little figure wrapped in a bed of seaweed. "Jack look!!" I yelled to him, running over to remove the seaweed to see a petite, beautiful little girl with golden brown eyes and curly brown hair. "How did she get here!?" Jack asked. "I don't know... Let's get her inside quickly," I said, spotting the bruised cut on her forehead. He picked her up bridal style, carrying her into our home as I followed them inside. Jack laid the little girl on the couch as I got the first aid kit, taking care of that cut of hers and putting a bandage on it. I smiled, staring at the girl's adorable face. I wonder how she got here... "We should call the police to let them know," Jack said, picking up the phone. "But Jack!" I yelled, not wanting to give the little girl up. I don't mean to sound selfish or anything, but it 's just I never could have a child and with this little girl here I feel like she was really mine. I brushed her soft, curly brown locks from out of her face whilst admiring her beauty.


I looked at Laura. She was getting attached to the little girl already. Though, the child was very pretty. I quickly erase my thoughts. We couldn't keep her and I shouldn't get too attached to her. I took a deep breath and shortly after let it out,"Laura, we can't just keep her," I told her. I watched as she let out a single tear, which immediately broke my heart. "You're right..." she slowly breathed, staring back at me. So I called the police and they said if I could send them a picture of the girl that they would spread the word. If no one claims her after the following week, she will be sent to an orphanage. In the meantime, Laura went to put the girl in one of the guest rooms.


In the poorly lit room, I woke up unknowing what happened or where I was. I looked up to see a young woman who appeared to be in her early twenties with blue eyes and straightened hazelnut hair. I shook in fright, not knowing who the woman was. She must have seen me because she placed me onto the well-made bed. "Don't be scared. My husband and I found you washed up on shore. Mind telling me your name?" The woman talked very politely and she seemed very nice. "I'm Cordelia," I spoke softly. "What a pretty name!" she smiled, causing me to giggle. "Thank you", I yawned tiresomely. "You must be tired. Let's get you settled in." The woman pulled back the sheets, then helped me under the covers before tucking me in. She kissed my forehead and bid me goodnight before leaving the room. I smiled and fell straight to sleep.

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