Announcements, Teasers & A Contest!

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Hola, mis amigos!

First thing's first, how adorable is our Sammy in that gif? With the dimples and the happy eyes and the smile. Must be season 1 Sammy. ;)

Okay, next. Are all of you still mad at me? You shouldn't be. I have a plan. Along with the sequel I will be writing - entitled THE ANGEL OF ANXIETY for those that don't know -, I am also writing you an 'inbetweequel' of sorts. Yes, that's right. I have become Bryan Singer. But, never fear! This will be nothing like THE RUNAWAY was or what THE ANGEL OF ANXIETY will be.

How does that work, you ask? Well, this inbetweequel will involve two men, who consider themselves to be quite good at facing ghosts, if you know what I mean. ;) Set in Georgia, USA, the boys hear a tale from a local about the 'weeping angel house'. (Which they totally just believe is a Whovian screwing around with everyone.) Aaaand, that's all I'm going to tell you for now. You gotta wait for it to be released. Full of dorks, references and more, this short story will give you a look into what trouble we'll be facing in THE ANGEL OF ANXIETY. So, stay tuned, dear hunters, for THE DEVIL WENT DOWN TO GEORGIA.

Next on my list of announcements, I need you guys to create an OC. But, I don't want a long bio explaining their age and sexuality, their looks and personality. I want you to write me a one-shot, with your character, Leila, the boys and anyone else you choose to include from Supernatural. This character can be male, female, transgender, etc. They can be angel, human, demon, witch, etc. Anything you want to do with this character, go for it!

One-shots have no limits for words, but try to keep it under 10, 000. (That's not written in stone, just fyi.) Only rules are simple. You may only enter 1 one-shot, and the characters have to be FULLY ORIGINAL. Meaning that there's no Dean's daughter or Sam's girlfriend or Leila's cousin once removed. But some prompts could be; what about the bitch that was picking on Leila at the hospital, what happened to her? Did Leila meet a cute girl with bipolar disorder at the hospital? How about an FTM transgender that was checked in as Dean was leaving the hospital? Or a witch that's been screwing around with Leila's fate? The possibilities are endless! Write anything you want!

Why would you want to do this? Well, for what it's worth it will end up in a public reading list - entitled 'The Runaway Contest', creative, I know. And the winning one-shots character will be in either the inbetweequel or sequel. To enter, start a NEW STORY, give it a title and in the tags use #therunawaycontest and dedicate it to/mention me, just so I get a notification about it. You can also PM me with the link or tweet me (Nerdzilla114) the link!

CONTEST ENDS SEPTEMBER 26. (Cause that's my birthday, so why not?)

Let me know in the comments if you're participating and have fun. May the odds be ever in your favour. <3

- Thalia

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