Chapter 7: Hugs & I Love Yous

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(Bryans POV)
We all got back to the bus later that day and got ready for bed. Johnnie was kind of acting weird though. And Jordan's been really quite lately. Weird... (Y/n)'s been in her bunk since we got back. Jordan and Damon would take turns checking on her like they did before. I was editing videos when I noticed Johnnie watching Jordan as he checked on (Y/n). He looked a little sad so to prevent a scene, I texted him.

Bryan: Are you ok?

Johnnie: yes

Bryan: Then why do you look so upset?

Johnnie: its nothing

Bryan: Don't lie to me Johnnie -_-

Johnnie: I'm not -_-

Bryan: Suuurrreee

Johnnie: don't -_-

Bryan: dddooonnnttt wwwhhhaaattt???

Johnnie: stop it -_-

Bryan: Stttoooppp wwwhhhaaattt???

Johnnie: god damn it Bryan! knock it off!

Bryan: Fine party pooper :p

Johnnie may have rolled his eyes at me, but at least I got him to laugh a little. I decided to leave him be for now. Maybe he'd be better later.

(Your POV)
I laid in my bunk and tried to sleep. Jordan and Damon would check on me every once in a while. I couldn't sleep much because I was still thinking about when Jordan kissed me. He's a really nice guy but I just like Johnnie. I felt a little bad for turning him down the way I did though... It was so much of a shock, I really didn't know what to say. All I was able to manage was the words "I'm sorry." I really need a better experience with guys... I laid in my bunk until I heard everyone go to bed. At least I thought everyone was.. I got out of my bunk and went to the couches where Johnnie was at. It was 1:37 am. What was he still doing up?

Johnnie: Hi.

You: Hi.

I sat on the couch across from him.

You: What are you still doing up?

Johnnie: I can't sleep. You?

You: Me either.

Johnnie: Oh. *slight pause* Soo, you and Jordan, huh?

You; What?

Johnnie: Aren't you two a couple now?

You: Where did that come from? We're not a couple.

Johnnie: But, I saw you two kiss.

You: (What?...He saw?..Oh great. Now he's going to think I like Jordan.) Me and Jordan did kiss. But it didn't mean anything.

Johnnie: Oh...So, your not dating?

You: Nope.

We were silent for a moment. The only noise heard, was the wheels of the bus turning as we rode to the next location. Then Johnnie stood up and grabbed my hands pulling me toward him. He pulled me into a hug.

You: ...J-Johnnie... Are you ok?

Johnnie: Yeah. But can we just stay like this for a while?

You: Yeah. We can.

I hugged him back and a smile appeared on my face. It felt so good to hug him. We didn't have a reason too, but you don't always have a reason for the things you do. I guess that's how it is. And this, right here and now, is amazing. I know I said I like Johnnie, but the truth was, I love Johnnie. A human couldn't be more perfect than him. We slightly parted, but our arms we're still around each other. We stood there gazing into each other's eyes for what felt like the longest time ever. Until we started leaning in. Closer and closer until finally, our lips touched. The kiss lasted a lot longer than the one with Jordan and this time, it felt right. I didn't want it to end, but it did. When we parted, we both had smiles on our faces.

Johnnie: You know, you say to much when your drunk.
he teased.

You: I do not!

Johnnie: I love you (Y/N)

You: I love you too Johnnie.
It took you and Johnnie 7 chapters to say it. Well done. Lol jk. Anyway, it's finally happened! You and Johnnie kissed and admitted your love for each other. I know you love it! Lol jk again (maybe). Sorry this was short, I hope you guys liked it though. I'll update again soon. <3

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