Chapter Five - Independency

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Chapter Five – Independency

Despite herself, she was panting. The duel had blown her away, literally.

Yami was standing tall and strong as he always did as his Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl and Magician of Black Chaos vanished, signalling that the duel was in fact over. His triple Dark Magic Attack had truly destroyed her Wingweaver and the rest of her life points. She had done everything in her power to summon her strongest monster before he could summon his but he always had another defence or counterattack for good measure and she thought she would never summon her Wingweaver. Even though she had it had all been too late in the end.

“Wow.” She whispered, trying to catch her breath.

“She actually put up a decent fight.” Joey noted.

“Shut it, Joey.” Téa scolded.

Yami began to walk towards her, and she knew what he wanted so she met him half way and accepted his hand shake. “That was a fantastic battle, Victoria.” He complimented. “Thank you.”

Victoria shrugged. “Not a problem. Thank you for accepting in the first place. I half thought that you would refuse.” In the back of her mind she noticed that she was shorter than Yami, about a head shorter. She could never catch a break where height was concerned.

Yami smiled. “As I said before, I never turn down a challenge.”

“Thank you anyway, I really appreciate it.”

A moment of silence passed between then, a silence that Victoria actually hoped Joey to destroy as obviously as possible. But he didn’t, much to her surprised dismay. But her cell phone changed all of that. The light-hearted tune music startled her and without a thought she reached into the top of her shirt and slipped the thin phone out of the side of her bra. “Hello, Tori speaking.” She greeted, turning from the group, happily accepting a distraction.

Where in the world are you?

“Oh…uum. Sorry I went out.” She replied as Seto’s distressed and slightly frustrated voice met her ear. “I was about to call about being picked up.”

You should have told me you left the mansion, Mokuba and I looked all over the place for you and Roland didn’t know where you were either.

“Uuum, I admit that I asked him not to tell you. But I’m fine, really.” Victoria assured him. “If you could save me the trouble, could you ask him to pick me up from the same place he dropped me off?” She asked.

Seto sighed. “Alright. I’ll see you when you get home.

Fear trickled into her heart. “Okay, bye.” Ending the call she let out a deep breath. “Whoops.”

“In trouble?” Téa asked.

Victoria turned to Téa, smiling with a nod. “Yup. My brother isn’t too impressed that I left the house without telling him. He’s probably going to ground me or something when I get home.” She joked; though a part of her thought he would actually lock her in her room and never allow her to leave.

“I can relate to that.” Joey said.

“Yeah, Mr Over-Protective-Brother.” Tristan stated, looking a little angry. “I wonder why Serenity decided to stop telling you about the ins and outs of her day to day life.”

Victoria blinked. Little did they know the real reason. She shook her head. “Well, I should head off, my lift will be coming to get me soon and I better get to my waiting point before he arrives.” She announced, placing all of her duelling equipment away and putting both her jacket and her backpack on. “I’ll see you around.”

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