Part 5 "...Into The Flames"

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I jog through the jungle brush, water heavily weighing me down. We reach a small group of VC, hidden in the trees, a sniper bullet that almost hits Kyle giving away their position. Kyle props up the flamethrower attached under the barrel of his M16 and aims it at the trees, setting the leaves and soldiers aflame.

The smell of burning shrubs and bodies clogs my nose, not exactly the best smell in the world. The gunfire explodes in a cacophony of bangs and pops. We come across a large gorge that leads into a water filled canyon. On the other side we see the convoy of soldiers we were with earlier. An explosion sends a Jeep filled with soldiers tumbling into the water and jagged rocks below.

We run along the sides of the canyon, moving lower towards the convoy. Another charge of what i suspect is C4 sends yet a second Jeep into the canyon. I look below and see nothing but mangled and torn car parts and pieces of soldiers painted or scattered along the rocks. Eddy and Kyle charge ahead towards the VC. I rush to catch up after my scenic view at the bloody battle that lay ahead.

A VC rushes from behind me, tackling me to the ground. He slams his knife through my arm, sending blood gushing all over the rocky ground. Eddy runs to my rescue, slamming the top of his boot into the VC's head. The VC rolls a few feet, and Eddy grabs a rock as he moves in to finish the job. He slams it into his head and removes his M1911 from its holster.

He Jabs it against the Viet Cong's head and says in a deep tone, "Nice try, pal. I'm going to enjoy pulling the trigger that ends your sorry life."

With those words hanging in the air, Eddy pulls the trigger.

The blood from the entry wound seeps into Eddys cloth wraps.

"My god..." I whisper under my breath.

I grasp my arm, blood flowing between my fingers. Slowly, I pick myself up off of the ground. My mind goes hazy, I stumble towards the battlefield.

"Oh no, no, no," says Eddy, stopping me from walking. "You're not going anywhere, pal."

I fall to the ground as everything fades to black.

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