Chapter 1

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*** I'm just starting out on this cliché it starts out right away, but I'm fixing it up, sorry for the cheesy parts! Comment below it helps!!! I need your opinion!!! This is my first romance book, so I don't know how to start out and if i add too much awkward scenes. ***

"Ugh! I can't believe we have to move to Chicago! I mean what's wrong with the place I was born, spent my childhood, where I hid in the strawberry patch with boys, what's wrong with that?" I told my best friend Alexia.

"Maybe you can stay with us? It can be a Hannah Montana thing!" We giggled.

"This is why we are friends!" I said before plopping another strawberry in my mouth.

We were out in our favorite spot deep in my families strawberry patch in the backyard. We had acres and acres of land dedicated to this strawberry patch. We were far away from the house and only few people new about this spot like me, Alexia, and a couple of boys we took here so our parents wouldn't find out.

"So who did you bring to this very spot first?" She asked me.

"Ummm let me see... Oh! I think it was...nah can't be him... Ya it was him!" Thinking out loud "Josh Tinner" I blushed as I said it.

"Really? How long ago?"

"Stop with the questions!" I laughed "enough about me, who did you bring here first?" I aimed her question right at her.

"Zach Tanker" she said proudly.

She and Zach have had an on and off relationship since she was 14, so maybe a year and a half.

"What time is it?" She asks before eating the last strawberry in the basket.

"Four O'clock"

"Since it's a Thursday I think we should go in play some Black Ops 2 and then tomorrow go see a movie or have a Bon fire, you think that's possible?" She snickers. I love it when she snickers her little nose wrinkles and that's when you notice all her freckles and bright blue eyes. She combs her hair out of her face.

"Sounds like a plan" I say standing up from laying on the ground.

We played Black Ops 2 until eleven O'clock. I walked her home which wasn't a very far walk since it was just down the road. We were the only two houses on the street. We say goodnight and I decide to head back home slowly. I stop under a streetlight because I got a text.

"I see you, beautiful" the text read.

I look around no one was there. Unknown number. What ever was going on was freaking me out.

"I thought I'd find you here" a following text came.

"Who are you? How did you get my number?" I sent back.

"Look behind you" a mans voice said.

I whipped around to see a tall, handsome figure leaning up against the street light.

"Josh?" Yup my ex.

"Yes, Aubrey."

"What are you doing here?"

"I was thinking we could go to the strawberry patch and make some memories like last time?" He said coming out from the darkness and into the light where I was standing.

"Josh listen, I broke up with you for a reason." He inched closer until I was looking into his big brown eyes.

"Oh come on, I realized I wanted you and only you."

"You broke my heart" I said fighting back tears.

"I didn't mean too, that's why I'm fix it. What do ya say? He said holding out a hand.

"No. I don't want that to happen again. "

"Everybody deserves a second chance, right?"

"You had your chances!" I yelled as I ran into the strawberry patch. He was following me. Gaining. I don't think I can out run the quarter back on the football team, but I did think I could get him lost. I knew this patch like the back of my hand.

"See just like before, me following you into the strawberry patch" he yelled.

I ran and ran until I thought I lost him. I don't know why, but I broke down crying. I was on my knees with my face in my hands.

"Come on, wipe up your tears, don't cry!" I whispered to myself.

I stayed like that for a couple minutes. And then felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry" a whisper tickled in my ear "just one more chance...please?"

"I don't think so... Why should I?"

He takes his finger and pulls my chin up so I'm looking in those big brown eyes again.

"Because of this..." He slowly and gently kisses me.

"No. I can't do this. I can't afford for that to happen...for this to happen."

"Why not?" He whispers and he nibbles my ears.

"Becuase I'm moving to Chicago by the end of the school year..." I sadly say.

"We can make this work. Just make the best of it. What do ya say?"

"...won't it end tragic?"

"We won't let it".


He sits down behind me, and I lay on him. I feel his albs, and his calming heartbeat while he plays with my long brown, loose curled hair.

I must have dozed off because when I wake up he staring down at me and wraps me tighter in his arms. "What time is it?" I tiredly ask.

"2:30, you're so cute when your asleep" he says curling my hair in his fingers.

At least it's dark so he can't see me blush all I do is smile gently. "Crap my parents will freak out if they find out I'm out this late, I should get going"

"Okay let me walk you to your door" he suggests.

We walk hand in hand in the moonlight. As we get near my back door he kisses me goodnight and I watch as he disappears in the moonlight. "A great way to end the night" I whisper to myself.

Love in a Strawberry PatchWhere stories live. Discover now