Bye yall

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Hey This isn't something that's easy for me to do but I know its what I need to do so I'm leaving wattpad. It's been a fun journey the last year I've had it but its time for me to leave. This decision isn't easy for me but its what needs to be done for myself because I find myself slipping away from the Lord through this site and my relationship with Jesus is way more important to me. I'm not saying this site is bad but it wasn't good for me. I was tempted into sin more, all my time is spent on this site . I'm not afraid to admit when I've fallen in sin because we're all human but I'm willing to do something about it. I'll explain further because I'm reminded a sin is a sin and someone might need to hear my struggles. I found cute country love stories but some of them said they were Christian writers and they weren't because they wrote about sex and that's not Christ like. :( I found myself occasionally reading them or being tempted to read them and I don't want that anymore. Some people don't count that as a sin but its 100% a sin , there's nothing wrong with you if you struggle with this or a different sin but make sure you're willing to admit it and change the situation. Does this make me a bad Christian?!? No not at all because I'm human but I'm changing and growing closer to the Lord from here on out. I almost didn't share this with you guys but then God reminded me someone might have needed to hear this , so this is me admitting I'm a strong follower of Jesus but I'm also human and sin.

Here's my Instagram username: Shalomar97
You all may follow me on there because I post some pretty awesome bible studies with the Lord's help.

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