Chapter 1 - Hi...

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"Wake up now its time to go to school" I open my eyes to be filled with immense pain. "God.. Mom why do you open the blinds?" I rub my eyes getting up and moving to my bathroom. "Because it keeps you awake so I don't have to keep coming and waking you up" she walked out and closed my door.

I take my basketball shorts off and my shirt and jump into the shower. I let the water bead down on my skin before shutting it off and getting out. I got some clothes out from my closet and threw them on my bed.

I was going to wear my black Linkin Park shirt with some grey jeans. I quickly got dressed grabbed my backpack slung it over my shoulder and headed downstairs.

My mom was in the kitchen making breakfast like usual. I sat at the table and waited. "Do you know how many times I had to wake you up?" She didn't even look over her shoulder she kept cooking. "Uhh.. Once?" I smirked and waited for her answer.

She turned around and put a plate of bacon and eggs in front me. "That was the fourth time. You need to set your alarm Vic" she turned back around got a plate for herself after turning off the stove. She sat across from me as always. We talked before she started cleaning the dishes she used.


I get out of my car grab my bag and head to my first class of the day. I passed by a bunch of football players standing next to a sign saying Ridgewood High. They all scoffed as I passed them.

As I entered the school students filled the halls talking amongst themselves. I quickly made my way past them drawing no attention to myself. I walked into my class and sat my desk. The one towards the back by the window. I pulled my backpack onto my desk and put my head down.

A couple minutes past and the bell rang. The class filled up before the lesson started. Most of this I already knew. Blah blah Physic stuff blah blah something about our teachers dog.

I looked out the window and there she was. Beautiful as ever walking to her class out in the other building. She has to be smart to be doing that stuff. Her class was the health magnet thing. Something to do with health and people.

"Victor" Mr. Hanks said drawing me away from her. "Yes Mr. Hanks?" I looked to him. "Do me a favor and run down to the magnet building and give Mr. Grant these papers" he out a pile of papers on his desk. "Yes sir" I got up and walked past his desk grabbing the stack of papers. I left the classroom and I knew everyone was staring at me. I turned the corner and heading for the door leading outside.

It was a little sunny still kind of cloudy out but I liked it. I walked towards the magnet building as the clouds at the rest of the sun. The building was blue with 2 stories and had a weird hospital sense to it.

I opened the doors and stared down the hallway, empty of course. I walked in and made my way to Mr. Grants class. His class was upstairs sadly but it did keep me out of my class.

I continued down the hall to the stairwell. I took a few steps and nearly fell. I heard giggling and I quickly looked in the direction it came from.

It was her. I made my up the rest of the stairs and met her at the top a huge smile on her face.

I walked up to her and stopped near her.

"You.. Didn't see anything" I then walked away. "Wait" I stopped in my tracks. I spun on the heels of my feet to face her. I stared at her and waited for her to continue.

"Those are to Mr. Grant right?" I looked at the papers I totally forgot I was holding. "Yeah" I blinked a few times trying to understand her. "I'll take them to him. I'm in his class right now. She walked over and grabbed the papers but before she took them out of my hand.

"How 'bout I walk you back?" I asked not letting go of the papers. She blushed and looked down. "Yeah.. Okay that's nice" she let go of the papers and we walked down the hall to the class.

"Well thanks.. I'll see you around" she smiled at me. I smiled back as I gave her the papers. "I hope I see you again. What's your name again?" She took out a pen and grabbed my hand. She wrote something down capped the pen then put in back in her bag.

I looked at my palm where she wrote it.

Madison (808) 251-8430

I looked back at her. I won't forget this. She blushed. She started to open the door. "Oh.. And hi.. " she said before she walked in the class.


What is up guys if you are reading this id like to thank you for reading my first chapter of this story of mine.

I will update when I can between school and marching band (woot) again thank you very much.

I'll be back with another chapter!

Bye bye!


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