Rin Kazumi

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Name: Rin Kazumi


DOB: June 29th

Family: Atsuki Kazumi Age: 46(Father) Alive
            Suki Kazumi Age: 44(Mother) Alive
            Kyoya Kazumi Age: 18(Big Brother) Alive
            Rika Kazumi Age: 14 (Big Sister) Alive
            Mikoto Kazumi Age: 9 (Little Sister) Alive
            Saki Kazumi Age: 8 (Litttle Sister) Alive
            Ayaka Kazumi Age: 6 (Little Sister) Alive
            Ryu Kazumi Age: 1 (Little Brother) Alive

Appearance: Rin has medium black hair and brown eyes. She wears glasses and headsets or earphones always listening to music. She wears a dark grey shirt with checkered black and white collar and blue shorts with black tights. She wears black converse at the bottom. She has on a black and white stripped backpack filled with books and her iPod. She has a pure black katana strapped to her waist.

Personality: Rin in her elementary years was confident, happy, cheerful, and very sociable. She changed when she moved to middle school and lost her best friend. She become sad, shy, unconfident, anti-social, depressed for a few days, didn't care about yourself, lied more often, smiled less, became some what unresponsive sometimes, and kept to herself not wanting to worry her 2 only friends left.

Past: Rin started school happily and cheerful. She went to Tokyo Elementary. She moved to a different school at the end of 2nd grade for she did something stupid. Her older sister was happy at Tokyo Elementary, but became sad when they had to move because of Rin. They than went to Lake Hood Elementary. Rin thought that her sister hated her because Rika was bullied there as well as Rin. No longer taking the bullying her and Rika asked their mother to move than to a different school once again. They moved to Turnagain Elementary during the school year. Rin stated to herself before she started that she wouldn't make any friend for she would just leave than again. When she continued fourth grade there she couldn't help but make friends for they were all kind. She met her best friend there or like a twin. Her name was Miyuki, Miyuki and Rin were always together from than on and made promises that the my hoped to keep. Soon she finished 6th grade and was on her way to middle school. During summer she would think about how great middle school would be, but was she wrong. Three whole months into middle school she had no one but her best friend and two other friends to keep her company. Everyone already had their own groups to hang and chat with. When she heard her best friend say she was moving she was upset but couldn't do anything about it. When her best friend moved that's when she gave up. She focused more on school works and reading books that she closed off everyone except for her 2 only friends left. The other thing was her 2 other friends were already best friends with each other. So when they would hang out she would feel left out and like a third wheel. She than turned to the books once again to get rid of her loneliness. At home she would just lock herself up in her room. She would do homework, read, and study forgetting about everything including taking care of herself. She begun to think that eating and sleeping were only a waste of time and started to barely sleep and eat causing her to get insomnia. Her 2 friends notice her change and tried to make her take better care of her. Rin didn't want them to worry so she didn't tell them and pretended that she took care of herself. At home was no better, her sister and cousins would make fun of her because of her weight. She pretended it didn't hurt, that she didn't hear it, but inside she was crying. Whenever they made fun of her she would read and say,"Did you say something?" And smile it off. Her mother and father were hardly home for they worked hard just to pay the bills and put food on the table. This caused Rin to instead of relying on her parents to rely on herself more often. Making her think, that she can't rely on anyone, she begun by never to ask for help at all for to her it shows people weakness. She puts up a barrier that no one but her best friend could break through if only she was there.

Likes: Naruto, Kakashi, Third Hokage, Wolves, Books, iPod, Music, Miyuki, Anime, Blood, Earphones, Headsets, Sweets, Sushi, Violin, Guitar, Piano, Singing, Katanas, and Being Alone.

Dislikes: People, Talking, Life, School, Being Smart, Bullies, Annoying People, Sleeping, Eating, Teachers, Getting A Bad Grade, Sasuke, Sakura, Laughing, Smiling, Feelings, Physical Contact, Caring, and People.

Skills Score 1-10:

Taijutsu: 9.8

Speed: 10

Ninjutsu: 8

Genjutsu: 3

Kenjutsu: 10

Intelligence: 10

IQ 450&Photographic Memory

Accuracy: 9





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