Chapter 2 - The discovering

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I knew, I just knew that I recognised them symbol's, I rushed to the library and opened a book on ancient Greek. I find what I'm looking for. I photocopy the page of the book and rush back to the scene. The misty skies and gloomy weather seems to be my only allies today. I arrive at the door and translate the symbols
'For thou who enters, shocked shall thou be! Fore lies here a universe of unforseen!'
What could it mean, just what could it mean. I pace up and down the soggy grass and around the vast trees.
"We'll just have to find out and go through." A voice inside my head says. I quickly shrug the thought away and continue pacing. Then like my body had a mind of its own stopped in front of the door and reached to open it. I turn the knob slowly and peer slightly through the door. Wait a second this looks like where I am now a forestry area, lots of snow and the path I made. I got through the door and see a boy about the same height as me and looks about the same age as me. He looks different like not humane like.
"Who are you"
He looked at me strangely like I was speaking a foreign language
"Aisopos?" Sounds ancient if you ask me
"Yep." Ah so he does speak English good to know.
"Why are you in my woods?" he questions his eyes glaring at me, if looks could kill damn I'd be dead.
"Your woods?"
"Then I'll just get going" I turn around and head for the door then I feel a grab I turn around
"You don't have a wide range of words I see"
He looks at me clueless, how has he not turned away in disgust, not left me to rot? Real strange he then pushes me back through the door. Was it a dream? I ponder on with my thoughts

Authors note
That's a second chapter sorry for not updating blame marcus he's the douche who doesn't let me on my account so yeah -_- kill him, and as the great Carlos says, with fire

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