Chapter 7: The leaving

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I woke the next morning at 6:00 am. We're leaving at seven but I wanted to make sure I had everything. Since we were not allowed to reveal our identities(unless we wanted to), we had we had to wear cloaks with hoodies and the hoodies were magical so people only saw our eyes and our mouths. But we could all  see each other's faces clearly.                                                
All of us had to wear all black as well, except for our cloaks. Our cloaks represented us, like I had a star patterned cloak with small dots of gold, which meant I was a ruler, Piper had the exact same except for hers was galaxy themed. Then Remika had a blood red cloak with silver, which meant she was a second in command, Luke as well but his was an icy blue with with silver. Then Travis had a white cloak with copper, Conner had a dark green cloak with copper and lastly Michael had a dark yellow cloak with copper. The copper meant they were third in command.

Also we had to, and I mean we had to have code names, no matter what, a basic rule of mine. My code name of course was Omega. Pipers was Charm, Luke was Alpha, Remika was Revenge, Travis was Thief, Connor was Criminal, and lastly Micheal was Bow. I left my room, and saw everyone eating in the livivng room. "So what you guys doing?" I asked. "Chaos told us to eat foof here, but we only have 10 minutes left." Connor answered. Remika gave me one of the magical plates we had, and it would give you any food you wanted if you just told the plate. "Blue pancakes and apple juice please." I told the place, (Yes I still love blue food.) As I finished my first pancakes, Piper yelled "TIME TO GO!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed one of my blue pancakes and stuffed my face with it. I walked over to the circle on the floor in the middle of the room from weren't teleported from. We all held hands and stomped my left foot on the teleport button on the floor. "To Earth, the Gods throne room, mount Olympus!" I yelled. Then we all close our eyes because if open them you will get really bad migraines and you'll probably throw up on someone. I had to learn that the hard way. 

We Arrived a few feet away from the gods. Zeus was arguing with Hera, Artemis was yelling at Aphrodite and so was Athena. Ares was arguing with Hephaestus about Aphrodite. And Apollo was telling Hermes about who knows what. Poseidon was nowhere in the crowd. Hera noticed us and stopped arguing, everyone else turned to look at us but Zeus, being the ignorant drama queen he is was still yelling at Hera. " WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME!?" Zeus thundered in a loud booming voice. (A/N pun intended.) Finally he turned to us giving us all hard glare. "Who are you?" He asked a calmly, yet still giving us a glare. "Well I am Omega commander of the Kosmotiac army, from the planet Kosmos or planet 348" I said in a smart tone. 

"Why are you here?" Athena asked. "Well if you don't want us to help you with the war we can leave." I responded. "So you want to help us?" Hera asked. "What about helping and army do you not understand?!" I replied. " This is a goddess your talking to!" Zeus snapped. " And this is a primordial your talking to." I shot back.  "If you will help us win this war then we accept your help." Hera said giving us a fake smile. "Then we are happy to help" Piper said in a very fake tone. The gods Iris messaged Chiron telling him the news of our presence. "Okay then, you can go to Camp Half-Blood." Hera said.

"Now we are off to your camp for half-bloods." Travis said in a fake British accent. Connor gave a small laugh. Then we all stood at the edge of the Empire State Building opened our wings and jumped off. We arrived at Camp, passed the borders and walked to the Big house. I opened the door to the big house as I heard voices inside. I stood in front off my friends. "We are here to help." I said.

Hellooo my Blue Cookies, it's me your very sorry author, and I'm really sorry for not updating sooner I have been really busy with school lately! Anyways since in my last chapter many of the cabin counselers are new and I need some ideas for who those people could be so if you want to be one of those cabin counselers or just a camper that will come out in the story a lot then comment their appearance, character traits, godly parent, their age, relationship status, and if you want them to be paired with a book character tell me as well!!
Love you author

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