Chapter 3: We meet again!

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Previously in Persona 3~

Nobody's P.O.V

Mamoru and Mitsuki had a wonderful also delicious dinner together. They shared story's and told few jokes here and there. All in all they had a great time together. Slowly this two bond became friends ad maybe later on the bond will be more (Like bro and sis). When it was getting late they all just hit the hay and went to bed. Beside maybe the new day tomorrow will be fun~ or should I say year~

One year later~


Mitsuki P.O.V

I can't believe I'm going back to Tatsumi Port Island. It's been 10 years since I've been there. I wonder if anything new is there. Probably not. I looked to my left and saw Mamoru looking out the window of the metro. It was dark...really dark. I than looked to my right and saw a boy with emo blue hair. He was listening to music like me, and had a paper in his hand. He was wearing a school uniform or just maybe a plan suit. Some how he looked familiar to me, but I can't put my finger to it. Maybe I should go talk to him. I got up from my seat and walked over to the boy. When I was face to face with him I spoked.

"Hello! You must be transferring too right?"

The boy looked at me and nodded his head. Can you believe he can hear me through his loud music? Course not, because I can't even believe it myself. Anyway when he nodded his head to my question I asked another one.

"You're also going to Gekkoukan High school?"

The boy again nodded his head. I smiled at that. I than asked another question.

"Moving in Iwatodai Dormitory?"

The boy again for the third time nodded his head. That's when I finally put my hand out and introduce myself to him.

"Than I hope we can become great friends! My name is Mitsuki Yasui! What's you're name?"

He looked at me wide eyes when I said my name. The next thing I knew was him grabbing my hand and pulled me into a hug. I was confused. Why was this emo boy hugging me?! I than went into complete shock when I heard my nickname come out of his mouth.

????: " that really you?"

I pulled away from the hug and looked at him in the eyes. It than hit me. It was Makoto Yuki. I than pulled him into the hug again and took out his right earbud and spoked softly in his ear.

" it really you?"

Makoto: "Yeah, it's me. It's really me."

"I missed you so much..."

Makoto: "I missed you too Misu...I'm really happy that we found each other again."

"Me too..."

I than blushed a 100 shade of red when I heard Mamoru voice behind us.

Mamoru: "Is that you're long lost boyfriend little sis?"

I quickly let go of Makoto and turned around to face Mamoru. When I looked at him I tried to speck, but stopped when I saw him smiling at me like an idiot. He just smiled and chuckled off when he saw my face. That's when I spoked up.

"No! To be correct! His my long lost BEST friend!"

Mamoru: "Oh! What a shame! Hi Makoto ever thought of going on a date with Mitsuki?"

I turned around to look at Makoto and saw that he was blushing too! That's a first! He never shows this much emotion after the...never mind I ain't going to say it. I than walked up to Mamoru and hit his head hard.

Mamoru: "ITA!!!" (Ita=Ow)

"I'm so sorry Mako! This here is Mamoru Mochizuki. His like an older brother to me, and we met one year ago too. I hope you two can get along!"

After I said that Mamoru than put his hand out for Makoto. To my surprise Makoto took his hand and they both just greeted each other. After that we all than sat down and started to talk. We had a many laughs here and there, and I was really glad to have my Mako back. I felt more complete now and more happy. I just can't wait to start the new life with these two! I wonder what adventure waits for us at Tatsumi Port Island?

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