My Dearest Friend (1)

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“Hannah, you have to stay with me at all times. Got it?” Melvin said.

“I know! You only told me like ten times already.” I practically yelled.

“Melvin, would you shut up? Hannah knows what to do and it’s not like she doesn’t know anyone at the party,” Andrew, Melvin’s old brother and the one who was driving the car, said.

“Right. I forgot.” Why doesn’t this surprise me? I look over at Andrew and I can tell from his face expression that he doesn’t either.

“Melvin, you got issues.” I joke.

“Looks who’s talking, Hannah Montana.” I am gonna punch the boy. He knows how much I loathe when someone refers my name to her.

“Melvin!” I growl, like his name is a curse.

“Enough. We are here.” Andrew yells, which shuts Melvin and I up.

By here he means: the party.

Everyone gets out of Andrew’s black BMW and while I’m getting out, I pull my black Dolce& Gabbana dress down so my underwear isn’t showing. I see Andrew and Melvin fixing their hair and clothes. Ugh, typical guy crap. I walk around the car and check my hair and makeup in the mirror.

I hear Melvin clear his throat. I turn and look at him and raise my left eyebrow at him as in saying: yes?

“Are you done doing your girl stuff?” He scoffs.

“No. I am not.” I pretended to check my face again. Yes, my makeup is fine. I see that my eye shadow is still perfect and doing its job, which is to make my brown eyes stand out. My blush brings out my high cheekbones and gives color to my white skin, which reminds me that I need to get a tan soon.

“Are you kidding me?!” Melvin yells.

“I am done now.” I smile. This drives Melvin insane.

“I might just murder her.” Melvin whispers to Andrew.

“I heard that you moron.” I yelled.

“You were supposed to!” Now Melvin smiles which ticks me off.

“You two will NOT be acting like this in front of my friends. Clear?” Andrew orders.

“Crystal.” Melvin and I say together. Yeah, we were terrified. It just happens that Andrew is about 6’3 and the body of a freakin’ wrestler all built and such with the smoking abs (that doesn’t mean I have a thing for him). The guy is 21 and has a girlfriend.Plus he is my best friend’s brother. Me liking him would be just wrong.

“Let’s go.” I hear Andrew say.

Melvin takes my right hand and pulls me along with him. “Ready?” He asks.

“Let’s party.” I hear myself say.

And we walk in the house hand in hand.


“Hannah! I am glad you made it!” I hear someone say from behind me.

I turn around and I feel someone’s arms around me. We break apart and I see that I was hugged by Allison, Andrew’s girlfriend.

“Hey! Ali! How are you?” I said.

“Good. How about you?”

“I’m spectacular.”

She laughs. I just smile.

“Welcome to my party!” Allison yells over the music.

“Thanks for having me,” I said.

“I must get going. I have guests to attend. Pardon me.” With that she walks away.

“Isn’t she something?” A voice said behind me.

“Melvin! You scared me.” I shrieked.

He laughs. “My bad.” Is all he said.

“What do we do now?” I asked him.

“Now we dance.” He grabbed my right hand and led me through the crowd to the middle of the dance floor.

And that’s all we did during the party: dance.

“Hannah, I’ll be right back. I forgot something in the car.” Melvin whispered in my ear.

“I’m coming with you. I don’t want to be here by myself.” I complained.

“Fine. Just don’t let go of my hand.” If you only knew how I felt about you, you would know how much holding your hand meant for me. If you only knew.

We walk through the people that are grinding against each other. But what do you expect, these are teenagers. We have hormones.

We made it to the car and Melvin let go of my hand and opened the passenger car door. It was midnight and I swear I could hear owls. I looked around and I saw that there was a black SUV parked right across from us. Since the windows were black I didn’t know if anyone was there.

“Melvin, you done? I’m getting scared.” I said my voice cracking.

“Almost,” he replied.

Next thing I knew someone had one arm around my waist and the other over my mouth. The one over my mouth had a cloth filled with alcohol. My eyes widened when it finally hit me. I am getting kidnapped! I looked around for Melvin and I saw my blood run cold.

He was on the ground, unconscious.

“Melvin!” I tried to say but came out like, “Muah-vein!”

No. No. No! This can’t be happening.

By this time I was stirring around and any way I could, so I could be free. I had to save Melvin.

“Stop moving!” An outraged voice said. It was the guy that was holding me.

I tried to kick him in the balls but it was a fail. All I got was, “You little bitch!” And he pulled my hair which I gave a cry for.

With all the blood pumping through my body I forgot about the cloth that was in my face. My eyelids started to close and I was crying.

Please God, help me.

Don’t worry. All will be well, my dear. I heard a voice in my head tell me.

Yeah, the alcohol was messing with my head. That had to be it.

My Dearest FriendWhere stories live. Discover now