Chapter 2

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(Jane POV)
"Oh yes about that so I was going to tell you that we are moving to California in America tomorrow morning and your going to have a new school and we are going to start new and fresh" my mom said excitedly.
My jaw dropped i was so shocked, I am finally going to get out of that hell hole also known as school.
But wait what about skyler. I looked at my mom and told her "why, why all of a sudden you want to go to live in America?)
She looked at me ( because I have found a better job there, and a bigger place to live in ) then she looked at me again and gave me a hug and stroked my hazelnut hair that went till have of my back. ( honey I know your going to miss your friend, but you can text and call her everyday and tell her how much you loved America, and tell her about your new school ) she said.
Yeah I know I can do that but she is my closest friend and I love her as my sister she is like my sister that I never had.
( thank you mom *smiling* but mom when is our flight? ) I asked her
(It's at 6 am so we need to be at the airport at 5 , so go and pack your things ) she said excitedly
( okay mom ) I said to her. And ran upstairs to my room to pack my stuff. I put a song on my phone it was called 'I'm all out of love' by air supply
I was singing along and dancing and making funny things with my face and putting my stuff in my suitcase.
(Jan's mom POV)
Pfff that's all my stuff thank god I have finished at last. I wonder if Jane finished her packing or not. I'm hungry hmm what does Jane want to eat.
I went to my daughter's room in the end of the hallway. Is she listening to I'm all out of love hahaha she really has her fathers taste. I opened the door and saw Jane dancing and doing silly faces and singing along. I don't think she knows I'm at her. Oh well I'm going to watch her silly performance till the song finishes.
(Jane POV)
While I was singing and doing my silly performance I stopped because I saw my mom leaning in the door frame and laughing her ass off at I me. ( no why did you stop that was so funny to watch ) she said laughing. I laughed along with her. ( anyway I came to tell you what do you want to eat because I think after all that packing were hungry, do you want pizza? ) she asked. I nodded and followed her down stairs to order the pizza.
After she ordered I went upstairs to call skyler and tell her about the news.
(S-skyler, J-Jane conversation on phone)
S ( hello Jane omg are you okay, thank you for letting Brittany stop hurting me-) I cut her off
J ( yeah it's me, that's what friends for now listen that's not what I called to talk about)
S ( oh okay then what do you want to talk about )
J ( I'm moving to America my mom found a new job. And she wants to start fresh and new)
There was silent skyler didn't say anything.
S ( omg Jane congrats I'm happy for you your at last going to escape that hell hole and your bully's. My mom told me she is going to move me out of that school)
J ( thanks, really!! that's really a relief because I was worried about you, because I didn't want to leave you with those stupid assbutts)
We laughed
S ( yeah, don't you forgot to call me and text me when you can)
J ( of course I will. Bye I love you bestie)
S ( bye I love you too bestie )
We ended the call. And while I was going downstairs to go to the kitchen our doorbell rang. Yes the pizza man is here ( mom the pizza man is here ) I yelled to my mom so that she can know that the food is here. ( okay the money is on the table near the door ) she yelled back. I looked at the table near the door and took the money and gave it the pizza man. After we ate. My mom told me to go to the super market across the street and bring water and snacks for the plain. I said okay. And after I took the stuff that we needed I saw my bully's outside the supermarket. Oh shit here comes trouble. I payed for the stuff and went outside and tried to not let my bully's see me. ( hey guys is that Jane) Brittany said. Oh no too late they saw me. I made a run for it but of course when you just took stuff from the supermarket you can't quit run that fast. I fell down because someone tackled me to the ground . ( oh your trying to run away well you didn't do good job at that) I knew who that voice belonged to it was Luke. ( hahahaha you think that you can run away from us well you can't ) Brittany said laughing her stupid laugh. Then she came and kicked me at my side Luke then released. I clutched my side because it was hurting, ( your such a weak stupid ugly girl go die nobody loves you maybe that's why you don't have a father because your such an annoying girl and he never would have love you ) I cried because she knows my father is a touchy subject and I thought it was true because I never actually met him then the beating started again they kicked me at my sides and at my stomach again and now my stomach hurts more because they already kicked me at my stomach at school earlier today. After they finished hurting me they ran away because the owner of the supermarket saw them he helped me up and said if I was okay I told him I was fine and thanked him for helping me and he said it was no problem. I took my shopping things from the ground thank god they didn't touch it or else I would have to buy the things all over again, I tried to pick them up but it was hard because my body hurts me but I kept reminding my self that my house isn't that far. After I made it to my house I opened the door then I locked it behind me and went to the kitchen and left the grocery bags on the kitchen table. Then I went to the living room to see where my mom was. And she was there lying at the couch sleeping. I went up to my room and locked the door and went to my bathroom and saw my blade there I remembered all the bad things Brittany told me then I closed my bathroom door and picked up my blade and started cutting. 1 cut 2 cut 3 cuts then more I felt pain at first but then relief I cried then what seemed like 2 hours I took a bath then went to sleep.
~at the morning~
( Jane honey wake up its 5 o'clock were going to be late for our flight) my mom yelled from downstairs
Ugh Why does everything important have to be at the morning. ( okay mom I'm up ) I yelled back to my mom so she would know that I woke up. I went the bathroom and did my business and washed my teeth and then I I changed from my pj's to a long sleeved black t-shirt that said ac/dc and a black skinny jeans and shoes and I put my hair in a pony tail and took my suitcases then I went downstairs and saw my mom at the door waiting for me and we went to the taxi that was driving us to the airport. ( bye house we are going to miss you ) I said my mom looked at me and smiled and said ( yeah we lived in that house since You were 1 year old ) I smiled back at her. When we arrived at London airport I said ( bye London I love you and your weather I will miss you ) my mom saw me and said ( oh come on you drama queen silly ) then we laughed.
~skipping till they arrived to America~
Still jane's point of view
Wow America is big and amazing. We took our suitcases and then we took a taxi to our location that we needed.
After we arrived to our house. The taxi driver took our bags and left them on the side walk my mom opened our new house door and we were taking our heavy suitcases my mom went inside because she needed to use the bathroom I was trying to pick up the bags when I saw the bag got lifted by someone with blonde hair. And left the bags in the house and came out and said ( hello I live in the house next to yours do you need help your new in the neighborhood aren't you ) the boy said he had beautiful blue eyes. ( umm hello yeah sure if that is okay with you. And yes we are ) I said smiling. He smiled back at me after he helped me pick our bags inside my house we sat on the porch and I said ( my name is Jane Anne ) I said stretching my hand for him to shake it. He did and said ( nice to meet you Jane my name is...
To be continued....
Hahah another cliffhanger the girl is Jane
Wow that was fun to write hope you enjoyed it but needed lots of thinking 😂. Please
Love you all and have fun reading it. :)

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