Chapter 4

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~Deans POV~
I woke up and saw Sammy just coming out of the bathroom. ( what time is it) I asked. ( it's 9 am why? ) Sammy asked. ( I was just wondering, found a case? ) I asked. ( umm yeah, it's in California, that's like 1 hour car trip, it says that  there was a strange death of a women the police say that the neighbors did hear a scream of a little girl and a growl sound, the police say the victim had her chest open and she was all bloody and there was claw scratches, and when they asked the daughter of the Vic she said that after she came home from a ride on her bike to explore the neighborhood. She saw the house dark and when she came to flip on the lights the lights wouldn't open and that the lights upstairs were flicking but it didn't give that much light to see, and the place smelt like sulfur then rotten meat and then she saw her mom and the killer ran away. Does that sound like a case? ) Sam asked. ( umm yeah come on pack we are going) I said.
~skipping the 1 Hour drive~
~still Deans POV~
When we arrived to the crime seen we showed the police our badges. ( I didn't know the FBI was in this ) the police man said. ( yeah well we get involved in things you don't even imagine ) I said. We went upstairs and there was blood looking claws on the walls and blood everywhere leading to a room I think. We followed the blood and saw that the room was soo messy and it really smelled like sulfur and rotten meat ( demons ) I said. ( yup maybe, but they're is claws ) Sam said. ( well maybe it's a demon with claws ) I joked around. Sam gave me that face that says really. The police came and Sam asked were is the daughter the police said next door with her cousins. So we went to the house next door. We knocked on the door and a girl's voice said who is it and we said it's the FBI and she said show me your badges through the magic eye hole on the door ( the photo is up) and after she saw it she opened the door. And the girl looked familiar. (Hello I'm agent smith and this is agent smith we aren't related would you mind is coming in and asking questions) I asked. The girl was confused at first but then said ( hello I'm yeah my name is Jane Anne by the way) . When we came in we sat on the couch. ( so umm have you seen anything weird or was the killer looking freaky or scary or something ) Sammy asked. The girl have become a little intense ( umm no umm nothing weird except to why was my mom dead. Like why would they do such a thing ) the girl said lying but then emotional. Poor girl i she looks hurt I wouldn't blame her a girl her age shouldn't have seen this thing she should have been with her mother and father. Father where is her father. (Umm where is your father) I said. (I never knew him my mom said she never told him she was pregnant with me because she was afraid of what he will think and that he had to take care of some family business) she said. Now that this came could it be. ( what is your moms name? ) I asked. ( my moms name is Melissa Jacob ) she said. OMG could it be oh no I loved that women soo much. But wait could she be my daughter. ( how old are you? ) I asked. Sam saw my expression and had the questioning look on his face. ( I'm thirteen going to be fourteen in a week ) she said. Yup she is my daughter   I have a daughter. She looks like her mother. ( umm okay thank you ) Sam said. After we went out the door and went inside the car he just blasted ( what was all that you looked like you know the girl or something) Sam said. Oh how can I tell this to Sammy. ( umm well you see I know her mother from way before and Jane Anne might be my daughter heck she is my daughter. Those damn son of a bitch killed Melissa ) I said at first with a sheepish smile then to anger. ( wait what are you saying that. That girl is your daughter. So you are a dad and I'm an uncle ) Sam said in shock then in a surprise. ( yes ) I said. ( you have to tell her that you are her father ) Sam said.  ( what why me. Why can't you? ) I said. (Because first she is your daughter and it would be better and second you need to ) Sammy said. ( okay fine but not now we need to kill that son of a bitch first ) I said. We agreed then went to the hospital to see Melissa's body.
(Sam's POV)
We went inside and asked a person who works there were was Melissa's body and the the women said who are we and we showed her our badges and said to follow her. When the women showed us Melissa's body he chest was open and it looked awful and bloody and there was claw marks on her face and everywhere almost it was just sad and disgusting to look at. We went back to our room hotel and dean said (okay so what are we dealing with. A demon who has claws or what now cause I'm really confused) dean said. ( I'm with you at this cause really what is it. Maybe it is some demon with claws or something let me do some research) I said. Then went to do some research. After the researches I found out it is a werewolf demon type. (Dean check out this) I said get ten deans attention from dean eating his hamburger sandwich. (Okay so this is in fact a werewolf demon it said that this creature has a mother who is a demon and a werewolf father. And sometimes the opposite. They are soo dangerous they are vicious and love to torture and kill) I said. ( okay so how do we kill it ) dean asked. ( well it has these ingredients that I thing we need cas to help us with it so pray for him to come) I said. ( why don't you pray for him to come ) dean said. (Because well he listens to you more now come on ) I said. ( okay okay sheesh calm your horses) dean said. I rolled my eyes. ( I pray for cas to bring his feathery ass down here ) dean prayed. ( hello dean. And Sam) castiel said popping behind dean. ( well that sure worked ) dean said. ( okay so cas we need your help in this. ( in what. Oh and dean you have a daughter ) cas said. ( oh wow you know ) dean said ( yes I have just checked) cas said. ( okay it's about this werewolf demon we need the ingredients and it is hard to find so we need you to help us ) I said. ( so will you ) dean asked ( yes I am ) cas said.
To be continued...
Okay so wattpad just congratulated me for 100 readers and I don't know if it's true I have to see 😅. I hope you liked the chapter going to update later. Love you all xoxo
It's really supportive of you do so.

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