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Laila's P.O.V

"What?!Why are YOU here?!"I questioned pointing an accusing finger at him."Oh you know just like everyone else going to school."He said cooly.

"Whatever just don't talk to me."I said starting to walk away.But he stopped me by saying.

"You know I want you right?"Cute boy asked right in my ear.How did he get so close?!

"Too bad I already have a great boyfriend"I said turining around to face him.I gasoed 'cause of how close we were.

I took a few step's back, while he took a step forword.We continued that procedure 'till my back hit a fricken wall.

"Oh you must have misunderstood me.I ALWAY'S get what I want, and what I want is you"With that he left me there looking like a fish.

With my mouth hanging open and my eye's wide.

What just happened?Why does he want me?I'm not even that pretty.Why dosnt he choose som-

I was cut off my thought's by the warning bell.I quickly went to my classroom and sat down in a seat.

I waited there for a while waiting on th teacher.When someone burst through the door 'causing a large BANG noise to happen.

I looked to the front of the classroom to find cute boy?!Why the hell does he have to be in this fricken class?!


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