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A whip wraps around my thin ankle.

I cry out hitting the forest floor hard as my ankle is tugged backwards. I look for something to grab anything heavy would do. I scream as I am being dragged backwards towards him, something catches my eyes. Its a branch and its going to have to be enough. Grabbing it I let him drag me the rest of the way not fighting back. I wait until im close enough and just the right moment, swinging the branch hard it connects to the side of his head. A growl escapes him as he hits the ground. I tear the whip from my ankle, and with the same branch I walk towards him. With an animal scream from all the torment I smash the branch as hard as I can across his back, just as he starts to get up. He cries out and kicks out connecting his foot to my leg knocking me unblanced. I slam down dirt flys everwhere, my breath is knocked out of me. I look up to see him coming towards me, I tighten my grip realizing that I lost my only weapon. He notices that and laughs at me, making me freeze in fear. He straddles my stomach and wraps his hands around my throat. I know I only have a few moments before I pass out or die. Lifting my hands I put my nails and fingers into his eyes making him lean back a little. He lifts his hands and as he does I take a huge breath. His hand slaps me across the face hard, spiltting my lip. Screaming at him in rage I take the heel of my hand and slam it up hitting his nose and breaking it. He screams in pain and leans back in just the right spot I lift my legs. Wrapping them around his neck and turning sideways as I pull back. He falls from my stomach and I tighten my legs even harder. He grabs my thigh trying to pull my legs apart, screaming at him and with everything in me I twist snapping his thick neck.
Waking up with my wrists and ankles pinned down, I panic and start screaming. Arching my back trying very hard to get out get away. A nurse comes flying in calling for the guards and they all pin me down as the nurse injects me with something. " NO NO NO NO" I scream at them realizing that she gave me something to sleep. I cant go back to the memories, back to the torment.

A Whip wraps around my thin ankle.

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