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A pain filled scream filled the air.
The man ran off, bloody hands and dropping the knife he used to hurt the poor man lying on the ground, sobbing and holding his side.
"PHIL!" Dan yelled, tears streamed down his face as he ran up to the black haired boy, looking up at him with such sorrow in his eyes, Dan couldn't even describe.
"D-Dan?...." Phil choked out, tears welling up in his eyes as he tried to process his words.
"I- I don't want to di-die..."
Dan shook his head.
"Y-you won't... Phil you won't die! I w-wont let yo-you!"
Phil lifted his hand and wiped the tears from dans cheeks.
Dan reached for his phone and immidiately called 999, and as soon as the lady at the other line picked up, Dan was yelling.
"My- my friend! He's hurt I need HELP!" He sobbed, holding Phils chest and burying his head into the crook of his neck.
"Sir I need to know where you are!" The lady demanded calmly.
Dan looked up and looked around, noticing the street sign and telling the lady.
"We will be there as fast as we can."
Was all Dan heard before he hung up and shoved his phone back in his pocket.
"Dan?..." Phil choked, grabbing dans hand and tightening his grip.
"Y-yes Phil?"
"Can-can you distract me?"
Dan felt his chest tighten up and his throat clog.
He tried to answer but he just nodded his head, slowly leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to Phils cold, cold lips.
It wasn't passionate or needy, it was a sign of desperation, and love.
Dan pulled back.
"You're not leaving Phil, you can't..."
Phil looked down as the blood continued to form in a puddle all around him.
"Dan... Wh-what if I can't s-stay?"
Dan looked down in shock and horror at those muttered words.
"Phil don't- don't fucking say that, I can't lose you!"
Phil just cracked a tiny smile.
"It's okay Dan, if there's slender man at home I'll scare him away."
Another sob shook dans entire body.
"I-I'm scared Phil..."
Dan leaned down and cuddled into Phils chest, and they just lied there, until Phil finally spoke.
"I can't believe I won't be able to see you're beautiful brown eyes every again..." Phil sniffled, stroking his hand over dans wet cheek.
"Ph-Phil pl-" Dan couldn't talk, he just felt all of his body break down.
"Don't be scared Dan, I'm always with you..." Phil cried.
"B-but I wanted to tell everyone that we were together Phil, I wanted a future, to adopt a child and get our dog that we were going to name Susan-" Phil cut Dan off.
"H-hey? I never agreed on Susan."
"You would have, you-you..." Dan glanced up at Phil and kissed his chin.
"You lovely person..."
"Dan, I'm sorry I couldn't give you a future, but I'm sure there's another great person out there to give that happiness to you."
Dan shook his head, berrying his face father into Phils neck.
"I- I wanted you..."
"I wanted you too Dan..."
"Ya Dan?..."
"I love you... I love you so much..."
"I love you too Dan, and I always will."
Dan reached out and rested a sweet kiss to Phils lips, until he pulled away, he saw a small smile curve on the corner of Phils lips, before he closed his eyes.
"Ph-PHIL NO!" Dan cried out, his tears pouring down faster than before.
All of a sudden a group of police officers and medics surrounded the two, but Dan felt too numb and empty to do anything at all. He couldn't. He wouldn't.
Muffled sounds were booming in his ears, but Dan just got up and watched as they carried Phil off into the back of the ambulance.
Dan ran up, but Someone held him back.
"LET GO OF MY FUCKING ARM!" Dan screamed, ripping his arm away before jumping in beside Phil and watching the door slam shut.
That's when everything went black.


Dan opened his eyes up to find darkness, but for some reason he was lied back on his bed, his face wet and his nose stuffy from crying so much. Why was he in bed when he should be with Phil at the hospital? Or saying his- his last goodbyes?
A smashing noise came from the kitchen and an angered sigh.
Who the hell was in his kitchen in the middle of the night?
Dan got up, and looked around for some sort of weapon. He saw a picture frame, a picture of him and someone he couldn't remember on it. He picked it up and slowly exited the room, tip-toeing out and into the kitchen.
The man turned around and frowned.
"Sorry I woke you up da-"
"PHIL?!" Dan choked, dropping the picture frame and hearing another shatter as Dan ran up and jumped into Phils arms, sobbing into his shoulder.
"I- Dan what's wrong?..." Phil said softly, hugging Dan and drawing little shapes onto his back.
"I had- had a horrible dream Phil..."
"What happened?..."
"You- you died..."
Phil sighed and tightened his grip around the younger boy.
"I would never leave you Dan..."
"Ya Dan?"
"I love you... I love you so much...."
Phil paused in shock for a moment.
"I love you too Dan, I always will."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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