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(5 years later) April, 1982

The dial tone rang 4 times before anyone answered; Michael had wound the telephone cord around his fingers so tightly, they had started to turn blue.

"Hello?" A deep, gruff voice answered on the other end of the call.

"Mr Keane? It's Michael."

"Oh, Michael; Hi, how're you?"

"I'm fine, thank you. Not that I don't enjoy our conversations: is Ruby around?"

"She just got home from work. I'll go see if she's passed out or not and give her the phone if it's the latter."

Michael heard a light thud on the other end of the line; James had put the phone down somewhere so he could go find his daughter.

After a few minutes, and another panic over blue fingers, Michael heard the crackle of the phone being picked up.


"You sound like you could use a good night's sleep."

Ruby chuckled tiredly. "I do need a good night's sleep. I haven't slept properly in weeks. It's killing me."

"Maybe you should think about giving up the job at the club?" Michael suggested.

Ruby scoffed. "That's easy for you to say, Mr 'Millionaire at the age of Eighteen' Jackson; I'm trying to pay you back for the trip to Los Angeles."

Michael shook his head, leaning back on the bed. "I told you, I don't want you to pay me back. The trip is a treat from me; a gift, if you like. Besides, it's more for me than you anyway. I miss you."

Michael could imagine the smile one Ruby's face when she replied: "I miss you too."

"It's only 3 days away."

"Mm; 2 weeks in the city of angels with Michael Jackson: that'll be a story to tell the grandkids one day."

Michael chuckled. "Mm; will I be introduced?"

"We'll still be friends in our 80's?"

"Of course; you're not getting rid of me that easily! Besides, who'll stop me from having Hollywood moments if you're not around?"

Ruby chuckled. "I do hate your Hollywood moments. Okay, you've convinced me; friends for life!"

"Yeah... Friends for life." Michael repeated; it left a bad taste in his mouth.

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Every time she set foot on the runway at Los Angeles' airport, Ruby decided that it was the most glamorous city she'd ever visited. New York had her heart, but she was prepared to have an affair with the city of angels every so often.

She spotted Bill almost straight away, thought it wasn't difficult because he stood out by a mile. He was stood by the exit, a sign in his hands with her name written on it in Michael's own handwriting. Cute, she thought.

"Hi Bill." She said, greeting Michael's faithful bodyguard.

Bill was a gentle giant; standing at 6ft, he was bulky in build but soft in nature. Until, that is, it came to protecting Michael and his brothers from insane fans.

"Hi Ruby; it's nice to see you again. Michael apologises that he couldn't be here to collect you. But, y'know, under the circumstances..."

Ruby held her hand up. "I get it; he's Mr Big Shot here. In New York, he's just one of cast; in Los Angeles, he's the star."

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