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1985 – Recording of We Are The World

"Michael, call for you!"

Michael excused himself from the conversation and rushed over to where Quincy was standing, foot tapping on the ground impatiently and with the phone in his hand.

"Who is it?" Michael mouthed.

"Santa," Quincy replied, "Who do you think, dummy?"

Michael smiled as Quincy handed him the phone, bumping his shoulder as he walk back into the centre of the room.

"Hello?" Michael said.


Michael instantly softened at the sound of her voice. "Hi; how's my girl?"

Ruby chuckled. "Oh you know; stressed, depressed but well dressed."

"I always said that you could make scrubs sexy. Anyway: how're things on the school side? Dissected anything today?"

"Hard and kinda gross, with lots of blood and gore; you'd love it."

Michael shuddered. "Lovely. But things are going well, right? You're okay?"

"Michael, I'm fine; I miss you but I'm fine."

"I miss you too. But I'll be back soon; another week and I'll be home."

"And then you'll stop working for a while and enjoy me?"

"I always enjoy you; I have a photo of you with me everywhere I go."

"I don't want to know what you do with that." Ruby said quickly.

Michael laughed, louder than he meant too. People looked over, giving him questioning looks. He needed to be careful; no one except Quincy, Diana and the few of his siblings present knew about Ruby. He didn't need some loud mouth celebrity babbling to the press about his relationship.

"They'll start asking questions if you laugh like that again." Ruby said, like she'd read his mind.

"I was just thinking that. Maybe I'd better go."

"That might be a good idea; I have a test to study for."

"What's it on?"

Ruby chuckled; it was low and barely audible. "It's on the reproductive organs of both sexes." She said at last.

Michael could feel his cheeks getting warm. He took a deep breath, pushing his sunglasses up his nose to rest on its bridge.

"Okay there, Mike?" Ruby asked, clearly enjoying the obvious effect she'd had on him. Even from miles away, she could still arouse him. It was endless.

"A little bit flustered, but I'll be fine." He smirked, even though she couldn't see. "Just wait 'til I get home..." He told her, voice low.

"I can't wait." Ruby replied.

"I love you." Michael told her.

"I love you more."

"I love you most."

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Michael would be home any minute and Ruby was still rushing around, trying to make sure everything was perfect.

She wanted him to step into her apartment – which was basically theirs, since he was always there – and feel love and bliss and all manner of other nice things. This had to be perfection.

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