first blood

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I wake up and stretch. Another miserable day. I wish I didn't have to move. But I have school. I wouldn't have school if someone were to be killed there. Maybe it would be cancelled. I would like that.

I get ready. Nobody had been killed. School was still happening. 

I get to school late and I'm greeted by max.

"I missed you while I was out. Thought you were going to skip today but I waited. Just for you. Does that make you happy?" 

"No not really. Now if you wouldn't mind, I have to go." He steps in my way as I try to go. "Look here idiot. The halls are empty so we are late. In other words, both of us must get to class now." He doesn't move. "Ok, here, let me put this into words you mighty understand. Move out of my way or I slit your throat with my pencil. It may not be very sharp, but I can dig the point in and drag, creating the same effect. Now go." I calmly step around him. He doesn't stop me. 

The rest of the day passes by like all the rest. I sleep through most of my classes and get ignored all the time I'm awake. When people pay attention to me they are rude and I threaten them. Tomorrow, maybe I should get a pocket knife to threaten max with. I would like that. I would like that a lot.

I get home and my mom is gardening outside. I walk past her, not saying a word. I check to make sure my dad isn't around and that my mom is busy. I'm alone. I go to my moms purse and take twenty dollars. I slip it into my pocket and head outside. 

"Mum I'm going for a bike ride." She nods and I grab my bike and head out. I reach the store quickly.

I walk in and look for the pocket knives. I find one that I like. It's black and the blade is a beautiful silver. I find some tool that's used to keep it sharp and I pay for it. I head home with these concealed in my pocket. I walk past my mom, making sure the bump where the knife and sharpener are is faceing away from my mom. She doesn't look up. 

I lay in bed all night and sharpen the knife and then I sleep.

I wake up and glance at the clock. 7:00. I over slept. 

I quickly grab my things and store the knife in the pocket of my hoodie with some tissues to conceal it. I run out the door and to school. I'm late again. 

"Thought you could escape me this time did ya?" Max greets me again. He walks up and punch me in the stomach and then knees the same spot. I double over in pain and I groan. "Oh how I missed that feeling and that sound!" He hits me some more. 

I whip out the knife. "Touch me again and I slit your throat. This will be easier than a pencil." 

"You're not serious!" He laughs and he can't stop laughing. I glare, it's an empty threat though. He punches me some more in various places once he had recovered enough. He laughed as he did this though. 

He's really making me mad now. I press the knife to his throat. I don't intend to hurt him, just scare him. He stops laughing instantly. 

"Y-you can't. You don't have the guts!" He laughs, but it's fake. He's scared. 

"Oh I will." It's empty and he sees this. 

"Alright then prove it! Slit my troat. I bet you won't." I don't do it. "coward. You're nothing but a bloody coward with empty threats. COWARD! All bark and no bite. Just go home to your mum now and save us all the pain of looking at your fat, ugly face!" He laughs and I can't help it. Fueled by rage,y damaged pride makes me slid the edge of the knife across his throat, slicing it deeply. He screams but it's cut short. Nobody would react. They would think they were screams of joy from another class. It was too short to raise suspicion. 

Blood pots from the gash in his neck as he falls to the ground, a look of terror and pain on his face. I feel the blood that had sprayed my face. I laugh. The warm sensation of the blood of your enemies, trickling down your face. 

I enjoy this for a while. I've always wanted to do this. But now I must hide the body. I grab a shovel from the storage closet and then a mop and water. I clean up the blood and drag maxs corpse out side and dig a hole in the near by woods and bury him. I wash the shovel and return it and head home to change my clothes. If I'm not at school, where he body is found, I'm not a suspect. I then relax. I liked that. No, actually, I loved it. Very much. 

I can't wait to do it again soon.

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