Chapter 21 [Hit or Miss]

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Chapter 21

Hit or Miss

Avery couldn't believe her life right now.

Everything was falling into place, like she'd found the missing pieces to a puzzle she'd spent her whole life trying to complete. She was happy, not only for herself but for her sister as well. Marissa deserved this... they both did.

They were going to get a mom and dad. To be perfectly honest, while that was indeed incredibly exciting to think about, Avery couldn't help but be a little scared too.

"That's so great though!" Hannah beamed into her webcam, thrilled when she heard the news of the pending adoption. "I'm so happy for you Avery; Charlie and Lydia are great people!" she added.

"I know, I can't believe it," Avery giggled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and adjusting herself on her bed. "They took us out to dinner yesterday to let us know what they were planning... and to, y'know, ask us permission... they wanted to be sure we were fine with it before doing anything. It's surreal. I can't wrap my head around it," she laughed.

"Ah man, that's so cool! God, I need to visit soon too! Or you can come back here this time!" Hannah grinned.

"I'm pretty busy lately with volleyball practice... and I've got a job interview next week... so if I get the job I'll probably be even busier... but yeah, agreed, we've got to hang soon," Avery replied. "Maybe over Christmas break we can do something," she added as an afterthought.

"That's so far away!" Hannah whined.

"It sucks to have a life," Avery laughed.

"I know! I miss your cute butt like crazy, it's not fair!" Hannah sighed dramatically.

"Well, uh... my cute butt better get downstairs... I think Lydia is starting on dinner and I told her I'd help out," Avery shrugged, smiling a little sheepishly. "I'll talk to you soon, alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, leave me, break my heart, I don't care," Hannah huffed.

"You're so dramatic," Avery laughed. "Okay, I'm ending the call, behave yourself."

After ending the call with Hannah, Avery grabbed her guitar from the bed and put it back in its case, which she pushed underneath her bed. She'd spent the better part of the day practicing a few songs and even performed something for Hannah, who happened to notice the guitar in the background when they first started to chat and insisted on hearing something.

Hannah told her she should take a page out of Charlie's book and put something up on YouTube. Avery was against it at first... but hey, why should she not make a complete ass out of herself on the internet? It's not like anyone would actually listen to her.

She'd think about it... maybe.

"Oh come on, you've got to be kidding me! We're supposed to have the gym today!" Sienna exclaimed, her manicured hands rising up in frustration. It was the Monday before Halloween and the dance club needed the gym to practice for the pep rally on Friday.

The older girls from the varsity volleyball team snorted or rolled their eyes, unimpressed with this freshman girl's outburst.

"You can grab the other half of the gym," Lily shrugged. It wasn't that big of a deal. "We don't have to take up the whole space, right?" she added, giving the rest of the team a stern look.

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