Dean was on his way home after he got the stuff for dinner. As he was walking home he couldn't stop thinking of the gorgeous girl he saw in the gas station. He finally got home went into the kitchen and dropped the bag on the counter making a loud banging sound. "Mom I'm back. I got mac and cheese, you never told me what to get." Dean yelled. Dean's mom went into the kitchen. "Dean sorry I tried calling you to tell you I found some stuff to cook. So I didn't need you to go anymore, but you wouldn't pick up." Lori said to Dean. Dean just let out a big sigh.He turned and went up the stairs. The reason he didn't pick up his phone is because he left his phone on the charger up in his room. He couldn't charge it the whole time they came up here because he was in the car and there were no outlets. So when he got moved in he put it on the charger. Then his mom asked him to go to the store and his phone was dead so he left without it. Dean plop's on to the bed and grabs his phone and it says 30%. Dean sighed I was gone for ever. At least it felt like it after seeing that girl. Everything slowed down. Dean thought to himself. "Mom I'm heading to bed. I'm tired and I got school tomorrow. So I'm going to bed." Dean yelled downstairs. He didn't hear an answer so he just shut his door and went over to lay down on his bed. He grabbed his phone. He surfed the internet for awhile then he went onto Facebook wrote on his timeline, moved into the new house and feeling ok lets see what tomorrow has in store. He typed and entered it in and turned over and fell asleep.
Deans P.O.V
My alarm started to play my favorite song but I was already half way up. I reached over and turned it to dismiss. I flipped around on my back and let out a big sigh, well here we go. I leaned over let my legs fall to the side of the bed. I struggled to stand up because the move was hard on me. I then headed out to the bathroom. I got to the bathroom and there was warm heat and steam coming from the door. I heard noises coming from the other side. I felt like I was going to throw up. Couldn't they have waited till I went to school. I thought to myself as I went downstairs and went to the other bathroom. I got in there and got undressed. I jumped into the shower and turned the water on. I hear a creaking in the pipes and out comes black muck. "Son of a bitch are you kidding me?" I yelled out loud. I jump out of the shower and jump back into my clothes. No use of wearing new ones I thought. I busted through the door and hear it slam back in to the glass gnome on the other side. I turned around and saw it was shattered. Oops I thought. I started down the street to the bus stop. I finally got to the bus stop to see a bunch of kids standing around. I went over to the fence and leaned up against it waiting for the bus. I had my hoodie up to cover my face. At least I hoped it was covering my face. I kinda chuckle to myself at my joke. I looked up for a second and saw a girl looking over at me. I quickly push my head back down to my chest. Please don't come over here, please don't come over here I kept saying in my head. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see a beautiful brunette. She's beautiful I thought. "Hey my name's Nicole, are you new here?" Nicole said to me, not breaking eye contact. "Yeah" I mumble still looking at her. "Where are you originally from? I'm from San Diego,California" Nicole said with a cute little smile on her face. I smiled back. "I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio." I said. We both looked at each other. I started to say something but the sound of the bus coming startled me. " Well see you around." Nicole said running backwards towards the bus waving. I saw her get onto the bus and I waited for everyone else to get on. Then I got on and headed to the very back of the bus where no one really was, so I wasn't ever disturbed.
Author's POV
The bus came to a halting stop shaking all the kids in the bus around. The bus driver has his arm out of the window waving at some car going by. Then we get up to the entrance to the school. The bus stopped and he pulled over and swung the door open. Nicole got out first with her twin sister Brie. They were cheerleaders and were the most popular girls in school. Then a couple of other kids get out, one really big guy. He always had food on his shirt and he always said feed me. Then a bigger kid comes out from behind him standing 7 ft tall, an unbelievable height at his age. His name was Paul (big show) he ran into Ryan the other big kid (ryback). He was always mean to the other kids. Ryan fell into some muddy water. Paul left laughing. Ryan's friend Daniel sees him and runs to him and helps him up. "What happened?" Daniel said with concern. "It's just that big show off Paul." Ryan said wiping the mud off of his face. Now last but not least, out pops Dean. He sees Ryan and Daniel and he goes over to help. "Hey you alright?" Dean said with a concerned look on his face. "Yeah we're fine just some bullies." Ryan and Daniel both said. Dean looked down "You sure you don't need any help?" Dean said "No we got it." Daniel said. Dean then looked back up towards the entrance and walked to the door and opened it. He gets a big whiff of school back packs and pencils and teachers. He didn't know why but school had a rotten smell to him and he hated it. He got to the office to get his schedule so he could get to his first class. He gets into the office and waits there for a little while. Then he decides to ask if he can get his schedule. "Name?" The office lady looks up while chewing bubble gum. "Dean Ambrose." Dean said. The lady looks over at a desk and grabs a piece of paper. She then picks it up and looks at it. "This you?" she says as she hands it to Dean to look at. "Yea that's me." Dean says as he turns and leaves the office. the office lady ignores him and gets back to whatever she was doing.
Deans P.O.V
I got to my first class history. I hated history. I take a big sigh and open the door. The light beamed in through the window blinding me, then it slowly goes back to normal. The teacher looks at me. "Can I help you?" The teacher said looking at me irritated. What the heck did I do to him? why does he look so irritated. I thought. "Yea I'm new here my names Dean" I said "Oh yes Dean Ambrose, your late go take a seat over by Alicia." He said as he pointed me to my seat. I went over and sat down. Alicia looks at my while she's twirling her hair. She smiles at me. Why does it seem like ever girl here likes me? No one liked me in my old school. Well maybe that's because I beat everyone of them up including some of the girls. I no longer did that any more. The teacher went up and wrote his name on the board Mr Helmsley. Really, I thought to myself. He hasn't even started the class and he has the nerve to say I'm late. "Hello class my name is Hunter Hearst Helmsley, but for short you can call me Mr. Helmsley or Triple H." Hunter said with a grin. I laughed a little inside. What type of name is that? Hunter Hearst Helmsley. That was the most ridiculous name I had ever heard. He then passes out papers. "This class is a test that I want you to work on it till you think its correct. No help, no phones. I will ask you how you think you did and you will grade it." Hunter said. Wow this teacher makes his kids do all the work. I cant wait to get out of here. I got stuck at the start of the test. I couldn't figure out one of the questions. This is bullshit. I thought. This isn't fair, first day and a test. This teacher wanted to kill me. I thought to myself as I fell on to the table. "Dean, why are you making such a ruckus?" Hunter asked while he was talking to one of the other students. "Sorry I'm not feeling well can I go to the nurse?" I said. I swear he rolled his eyes but I couldn't see. I was too far back. "Yeah, but remember you need this done before class ends so take it with you. I frown and get up and grab the test and start to head out when I feel someone grab me. I turned to see that it was Alicia. She winked at me. Really? I thought as I squeezed out of her grip and headed out of the class. What is it with these chicks?
Author's POV
Dean headed out to the hall way holding his test in his hand. He didn't want to do it. He went over to the trash and dropped it in. He smiled to himself. Then he made his way to the nurse when he saw a black haired girl with blue tips. He ran around the corner to see her ,but when he got there and she was gone. No one was there he got very confused. He then walked back up the hallway to the nurses office. Now he couldn't stop thinking of the girl with the black hair. She woudn't leave his head. She was dancing in there and had all the doors shut. He emerged into the nurses office to find the red head that was with the black haired girl at the gas station. She was sitting waiting to be seen. She had sprained her ankle playing soccer at P.E. Dean went over to her "Hey" Dean said with a shy voice. The red head looked up at him "Hey didn't I see you at the 7-11 yesterday?" she asked. "Yeah that was me. I would of came over and said hi but I was on a schedule." she looked at me "Ok that's fine. My name is Becky Lynch, so when did you move here?" she asked me. He look at her confused. "I'm Dean, how did you know I was new and just moved here?" He asked. "Well word gets around and when I saw someone I didn't know I knew you were new to this place. It's that big." She said sarcastically with a slight smirk. "Oh ok. He smiled. "So who was that black haired chick you were with yesterday? "Dean asked being quick. "Oh you mean Sarah, well she likes to be called Paige. I don't know why." She laughed. She was very peculiar and different. Dean liked that, but she wasn't the one he wanted.

FanfictionThis is a story is of a guy named dean ambrose and how he always sees black and white and blur every where until a golden white godess comes into his life :D