Was that a Date?

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Hannah was having a night. She had been pulled over for speeding on the way to the restaurant causing her to already by thirty minutes late to her date and now her first impression was contingent on this teenage girl who had just squealed very loudly in her date's face. Hannah took a quick selfie with the fan and thanked her for watching her channel before finally taking a seat at the table with her beautiful date.

"So you must be Hannah Hart," the short haired brunette opposite Hannah said chuckling.

"And you must be Haley."

"So what was all that about," Haley asked.

"Um, well I'm a youtuber and that was a girl who I guess was a part of the community. Yeah sorry for the poor first introduction. Tonight has just been one of those nights so far you know?"

"Yeah dude no problem. So tell me more about your job?"

Hannah and Haley seem to be hitting it off; they both were interested in the same bands and were both total foodies. That was until Hannah's ex-girlfriend, Sabrina walks in and starts walking straight towards their table. Hannah puts her hand on Haley's arm and quickly says in a panicked voice, "listen I know this is the first date and this is a terrible thing to bring up on a first date, but my ex-girlfriend is marching over here right now and I have no clue why we haven't been together for a couple of months."

Haley looked up directly to where Hannah was pointing and her face instantly went from a smile to a sudden look of terror. She managed to stammer out "That's your ex," before Sabrina made it to the table.

"Oh this is rich," Sabrina said not yet screaming but still getting the attention of a few tables around the girls, "we've been broken up for two days and now you are going out with my leftovers. Who the fuck do you think you are?"

Hannah suddenly realizes the situation and sinks further into her seat hoping to be anywhere but there.

"Sabrina you broke up with me," Haley states in a calm, but timid voice.

"Well what if that was the biggest mistake of my life and I want you back," Sabrina says her voice suddenly getting calmer.

"Well then we would have to talk about it later, but right now as you so astutely pointed out I'm on a date."

"If you think that our relationship has any chance at all please get up and leave with me now. I miss you and I'm sorry I caused a scene, but I want you back and I will scream it from the top of the world if it gets you back in my arms."

Everyone was quiet for a few moments until Haley reaches out towards Hannah. "I'm sorry Hannah but you were just going to be a rebound anyway so I have to go now. It was really great getting to meet you and good luck with your youtube career."

As Haley and Sabrina walk out of the restaurant hand in hand Hannah stares dumbfounded. What the fuck just happened, Hannah thinks. Not only was I just used as a pawn, but I just got stuck with the check this is an amazing fucking night. I am the luckiest fucking girl in town.

Hannah asks the waiter for the check and pays the bill before walking to the back of the restaurant to use the bathroom. On her way there she suddenly remembers that the fan had mentioned that Ingrid Nilsen was somewhere in the restaurant. "Probably on a date with her boyfriend," Hannah grumbles under her breath. Still she feels it only necessary that she say hello if she could only find her.

Finally Hannah spots her in a booth in the back. Oh she's with a girl it must be a business meeting of some sorts I don't recognize her though. She starts to walk up towards the booth the two girls are sitting in when it happens right in front of Hannah's eyes. Oh fuck they just kissed. The fuck Ingrid is straight and has a boyfriend. Right?

Hannah can't help the words that come out of her mouth next it was like word vomit once she started she couldn't stop. "Ingrid you're straight. You have a boyfriend, I'm confused?"

Ingrid was so surprised by Hannah's presence that she could only stammer out the words, "Hannah...what...yes...um...straight."

"Wait Ingrid you have a boyfriend? Are you bi are something? Or was this just some sort of experiment or joke to you," Kathryn says mostly confused but with the slightest twinge of anger in her voice.

"Um...um...um...I'm straight," Ingrid says as though she's not entirely sure of what's going on with her or the situation itself.

"Sorry Ingrid I really liked you, but clearly you've got a lot to work out right now and I just can't drag myself through that again," Kathryn said grabbing her things and getting up.

"Kat wait," but it was too late she was already at the front door of the restaurant.

Both Hannah and Ingrid just stared at each other before Hannah finally says in a hushed tone, "What did I just do?"

"Yes Hannah what the hell did you just do," Ingrid says clearly upset.

This is officially the worst night of Hannah's life and now she had made it a terrible night for Ingrid too, someone she had only met a couple of times at different YouTube events.

"I'm sorry Ingrid I shouldn't have said anything, it's just I've had a terrible night and I wasn't thinking."

Hannah was sure that Ingrid would continue to yell at her as she should but instead something very unexpected happened. "Hannah what do I do?" Ingrid said bursting into tears and throwing her hands in her lap in a fit of frustration.

Acting on her caring instinct Hannah instantly slid into the booth next to Ingrid and gave her a hug, Ingrid resting her chin on Hannah's shoulder.

"What do you mean? Clearly you have already come out to yourself and probably a couple of close people. Am I right," Hannah says wiping Ingrid's tears away with her sleeve.

"Yes, but I haven't come out to anyone else yet and I don't even know what I was doing on this date someone could've easily seen me and outed me before I had a chance to do it myself."

"Shh, shh its okay baby. Get out there. It couldn't go any worse than tonight. And the only bad thing that happened tonight is my dumb ass found out and reverse outed you to your date, so I think you're safe on this end. And when you're ready to come out to the world I will help you I promise," Hannah said looking down at the younger girl and distancing herself from her a bit so that she could make eye contact with the girl just to prove how serious she was about the situation.

"Thanks Hannah."

"No problem, its the least I can do. Now do you need a ride home or do you just want to sit here and talk I'm great at listening and have a lot of experience when it comes to your situation."

"I kind of just want to go home and watch reruns of Game of Thrones after tonight, but would you want to grab coffee or something at Muddypaws sometime this week I would like to take you up on your offer."

Hannah just stared at Ingrid not saying a word.

"What is my makeup smudged after the sobbing god I'm such a wreck?"

"No, no you look beautiful as always I just can't believe that you watch Game of Thrones! That's like my favorite show right now dude."

"Of course that would be the one thing you would hear Hannah."

"Oh yeah I would love to get coffee dude. Does tomorrow work for you?"

"Sounds great."

After Ingrid pays of the bill they both walk out together and Hannah fills in Ingrid on the events of her life causing Ingrid to howl in laughter at the tales of Hannah's misery. They both get in their cars and head home both girls seeming to forget about the terrible events of the night instead focusing on their coffee date the next day.

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