Coffee Date?

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Ingrid was so excited she was nearly falling out of her seat, she had gotten to the coffee shop a little early and was just waiting on Hannah to arrive. I'm just asking Hannah for advice. We are just friends. This is in no way is a date. Ingrid kept on reminding herself.

The door jingled and Ingrid almost jumped out of her seat instantly losing her train of thought. She looked over to see a tall, scraggly old man, and behind him, poking her little sprout out, was Hannah Hart. Ingrid's face instantly brightened at the sight of the tiny blonde walking in and she quickly got up to hug Hannah.

"Hey dude," Hannah said waving and quickly hugging Ingrid before sitting down.

"Hey Han. Thanks for meeting with me."

"No problem. I'm happy to help you with anything you could possibly need," Hannah said touching Ingrid's arm and looking into Ingrid's eyes with a sense of deep understanding.

Ingrid started to blush and quickly removed her hand from under Hannah's. "Shall we order," Ingrid managed to squeak out.

"Yeah I'll go order for the both of us my treat. I'm pretty sure I know your order from your videos, but I don't want to make any assumptions," Hannah said hopping up from her seat and looked at Ingrid waiting for her order.

Hannah wanted to pay for coffee. That didn't mean anything. Hannah is just being nice. Ingrid was lost in her own world and was zoned out staring straight at Hannah's face.

"Um Grid. You there. What would you like? My treat," Hannah said waving and awkwardly smiling at the brunette.

Ingrid suddenly snapped back into reality. "Oh I'll just have a regular coffee and a doughnut."

"Not quite what I was expecting, but sounds do-able. See you in a bit," Hannah said walking away from the table to get in line.

While Hannah was ordering Ingrid tapped silently on her cellphone checking up on social media and checking a few emails hoping to distract herself from staring at Hannah for too long. Ingrid didn't necessarily have romantic feelings for Hannah, but for some reason she saw Hannah as special and it didn't hurt that Hannah happened to be very, very attractive. When Hannah got back to the table Ingrid was surprised that she barely even noticed. In fact the only reason she looked up from her phone was because Hannah accidentally nudged the table when setting down the food.

"Oh hey thanks Hannah," Ingrid said looking up from her phone and putting it away.

"No problem dude. I hope you don't mind me asking but are you okay? You seem kind of out of it."

"Oh no I'm so sorry its just that I'm kind of nervous about this whole thing. Accepting myself has been really hard. And the next steps feel like they are going to be just as hard."

"Aww baby. Not to sound cliche but it does get better. By being your true self you will be happier."

"I know, I know. But how do I be my true self."

"Well who do you want to tell? Do you want to announce it to your community?"

"Hannah I don't know what to do. I'm a mess," Ingrid says putting her head down on the table and letting out an exasperated breath.

Hannah reaches out to touch Ingrid's arm and rubs it softly, "Don't worry you don't have to make these decisions now. Lets just start out with what you want. Ingrid Nilsen what do you want. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks for a second and think about yourself."

"Well I would love to meet a girl, marry her, and be happy, but I think that's a long way off."

"Finding a girl would be nice," Hannah mumbled to herself. "Ok so you want to find a date. We're going out tonight to find you someone."

"No Hannah I don't think I'm emotionally ready for that. Especially after last time."

"Nope its settled I'll have an Uber come pick us up around 9:30."

"Ok, ok, it sounds like fun."

Ingrid and Hannah continued to talk for another two hours when Hannah looked at her watch. "Oh fuck I need to be getting back to edit a couple of videos especially if we are going out tonight," Hannah said with a wink. "I'll see you at 9:30," Hannah said as she began to move out of the door after hugging Ingrid goodbye.

The First Date: A Hangrid StoryWhere stories live. Discover now